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  1. M

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Guardian, I left out your quote as there would not be room for my reply. Sorry but your quote is just a scroll away. You start out by saying " Thank you first for being cordial and decent and subtle ." Then you proceed to call me a liar, to say that you know for a fact I have not accepted the...
  2. M

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Haha Goanna :) Good story and funny, also true for many of us. I find following the Lord is not a light switch change but rather a journey. I think the Lord knows this too and loves us anyway.
  3. M

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Guardian, There was not room to post my answer and your quote. Forgive me but its only a scroll away. You start out by saying " Thank you first for being cordial and decent and subtle ." Then you proceed to call me a liar, to say that you know for a fact I have not accepted the Lord as my...
  4. M

    Luke 14:26 vs Exodus 20:12 How Do Such Things Align?

    "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:26 "Honour thy father and thy mother...
  5. M

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    What if we were lied to? What if some con men wrote the bible to emasculate people so the rich could get less resistance with their evildoings? For all Christians to allow evil to reign unchecked, to embrace it destroying our lives on a vaguely understood promise of eternal life at this ones...
  6. M

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Well, day by day I feel less convinced. Christians make up the 2nd largest religion in the world. If Christians truly go by that verse, then what need do we have for police, and law? However we don't see this right? At all, even a bit. It's almost as if Christians ignore the full implications of...
  7. M

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Hello and thanks for reaching out. Until lately I was of the "God hates sin, but loves sinners" "believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins adn heaven is ours" people. God has been there for me in some very dark times, it would make your soul glow to hear of a few of them I'm...
  8. M

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Hello again, For me I remain unclear. I mean in the past it would have been clear as I questioned nothing and just believed what I was told. But for a while now the Lord puts questions in me that . .have me seeking answers. For example, John 3:16 to me basically says Jesus is direct God, what...
  9. M

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Hi again. Forgive my ignorance or lack of understanding when it comes to the nuances of such a distinction. Would you like to point at your post on here that explains it better or?? See to me its an on/off switch. To me the bible is targeted by God to those God expects to read it rather than...
  10. M

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    I appreciate your efforts and I'm certain God does as well. All the same, the answers God's put in my heart to resolve, I don't feel this resolves them. Thank you again, and God bless you as well.
  11. M

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    A very good question. In the first situation your remark suggests that if it has not been directly said to us, then it does not pertain to us. Us, being those Jesus became human to save and teach. By that logic if we only pay attention to what Jesus said directly to "us" none of us (to my...
  12. M

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    I'm sorry for my ignorance, can you please refer me to where Jesus tells them/us to resist evil?
  13. M

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    " He's not saying if 2 wicked people you don't know comes down the road, to let them come in and have at your family and take your possessions, that is a time for action, with a shotgun" What would give you this impression from the bible? I mean, the sense of right and wrong inside me wants to...
  14. M

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    I feel that Jesus told his disciple's to buy swords to fulfill a prophecy ..that he be reckoned among the transgressors .. with zero intent of actual resistance ( Luke 22 ). We see that while he did have reservations about his coming role in torture he reaffirms that Gods will be done, and...
  15. M

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Our world, is most definitely an evil place. John 3:16 tells is that if Jesus says it, believe what he says or Heaven is withheld. Jesus then tells us in Matthew 5:39 not to resist evil but instead to even assist it (give our cloak, go a mile with it.) Why would we stand idley by while our loved...