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  1. M

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    One things for sure, no two of us seem to agree that there is an indisputably right answer, but instead some comfortable, and some uncomfortable, opinions on what it may mean in a variety of differing circumstances. thanks for contributing all of our thoughts are worth considering in the search...
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    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    I understand entirely via my heart that we can love the sinner and hate the sin because there but for the Grace of God, go I. However I am also coming to understand that not resisting evil is one of the main reasons this earth is so evil. Trying to figure out why God would simply not say "love...
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    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Hi Carmena, I'd like to talk about this a bit at a time so I don't get lost. So Jesus tells his disciples to their faces man to man ..; Matthew 5:39 "But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. .. and Paul's...
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    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    .. or perhaps the bible is put together to create strife to support an evil atmosphere and God, the creator and maintainer of existence, is entirely separate from religion(s).. As I continue to read for myself I find that what books will be included in the bible were cherry picked. Did God...
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    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Yes, we do misunderstand each other I think. You are replying from your own sense of reasoning. I too can rationalize to make the bible into something I'm comfortable with. To see what I want to see. However is there somewhere in the bible that says as you suggest not to preach to others in...
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    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Hi Oyster, Sometimes yes, I know that is true of my life for the large part. I'll give you a brief story so I don't wear you out that demonstrates I do understand even if I feel it is not a complete answer. I was down on my luck in Windsor Ontario. (tale for another day) I'd just left a...
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    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Taratose you are not long winded at all. In fact if you'd like to go on I'd be more than willing to listen. I will and would have questions though. For example, when you said "This is also why it is no contradiction for God to command people to go to war to protect the innocent, to carry out...
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    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Hi Adstar, I really like when you say pray for the Holy Spirits conviction. I do. If only you knew the things life has brought me through that has shown me God listens and gives me confidence God's got my back. I often laugh and say I live Psalm 23:4 because sometimes its just like that. When it...
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    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Hi again Through Faith, Thanks for helping me put this into some kind of perspective but I still feel a bit dense on this subject and may need more of your insight? I do take your meaning that certain books of the bible were originally intended for a specific party. But Timothy 2 16 as you...
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    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Guardian, It doesn't matter one whit, to me, if you believe I know the Lord or not. But I will tell you this, and then I too.. will stop my conversation with you. When a fellow Christian comes to me with doubts or questions, I pray and respond to them as best I can asking the Lord to guide me...
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    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Guardian1970 said: [/QUOTE Final Point; You claim you are a “believer” yet call into question all of scripture because it was written by man. Yet you are man and without proof, but “feeling”, call into question all of scripture written by men who we believe are chosen and guided by God? Let me...
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    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Hi Taratose, I like the setting you propose. It is more comfortable to consider. However ( ugh .. there is always a but it seems) the balm you offer comes from the old testament. Where along with the balm you offer stands eye for an eye. Jesus says in Mathew 5:38 39 "[38] Ye have heard that...
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    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Hi Oyster, I have done this, however while I can speak on many times I myself have been scooped up from trouble, this isn't happening to all, and they suffer and die, some without knowing the Lord, because evil is not being resisted. The pain and anguish of not protecting those we love, is hell...
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    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Hi through faith, I apologize in advance for my seeming ignorance and hope you will forgive it. To me, when I read the bible it is ALL said to the specific persons being addressed at that time, rather than say Humanity past present and future. So when someone says well this is meant for Joe...
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    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Okay so who do you say Jesus intends Matthew 5:39 to?
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    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Hi A. In an altruistic sense I do understand your intent or feel I do. If I may be frank, I"m not the least concerned bout evil happening to me. Allowing evil to harm those I love, is another story. I met a woman in a terrible way once. Needles all over her floor when I went to bring her home...
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    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Hi T, Would you mind using more words so that I don't take your meaning wrong? I mean , are you saying Jesus was saying that to one specific person and it has nothing to do with the rest of humanity or??
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    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Hi Scribe :) I think I understand this, and agree.
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    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Hi Seed Time :) I really do understand hating the sin but loving the sinner. But that verse isn't saying that. It's saying to not stop the evil. If a criminal were raping torturing and killing your family, you really think Jesus and God want us to say oh well and preach gospel to them rather...