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  1. Vindicator


    Yes, and again it begs the question: How have we been "perfected" as a body when at the present time most churches manifest little to nothing of His supernatural power? Cessationists apply this to the canon, but the canon was not in view here. WE are, as a body, and I don't think we are...
  2. Vindicator


    The Ephesians 4 passage also contains several verses that are rather inconsistent with the Cessationist position. 7 But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. 8 Therefore He says, “When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to...
  3. Vindicator


    Yes, the "spirituals," the graces, the ministries, appointed positions of God, and the gifts associated with each. Thanks for the heads up, I hadn't noticed how they are all used in this same context. Most are translated into English as simply "gifts," which loses some of the nuance.
  4. Vindicator

    Biblical faith what can it really do?

    Well, I'm not a typical anything. We simply disagree that the events in question should be spiritualized. I grew up in no heresies, nor was I indoctrinated by churches after coming to Christ. I form my theology strictly out of what convinces me from scripture, and I see those who spiritualize...
  5. Vindicator


    You know what's also interesting about this passage? It is followed in the next verses with language straight out of the Old Testament which confirms Paul was still talking about the gifts in Chapter 13. This is obvious from how the Chapter starts, but also in relation to the language he uses in...
  6. Vindicator

    Biblical faith what can it really do?

    And with this you just spiritualized v.31. :) As I was arguing, it is necessary for such an interpretation to carry any weight, since nothing of this sort happened literally in A.D. 70. I could address the rest, but suffice it to say here that you are doing what many have to do in order to...
  7. Vindicator

    Are we in the end times ?

    Hann, I'm going to have to tell you straight here: I read the words of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospels fairly regularly, and they do me a TON of good. As Paul himself said, all scripture is profitable for rebuke, correction, edification and instruction, and to claim that anything outside...
  8. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    Greetings to you, sister. I think humility really is the dividing line between those who receive from God and those who don't, in many ways and regarding many things. This is true not only of grace, but of the gifts, and revelation from God as well. I'm still new here, but I'm trying to get to...
  9. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    Actually not in the least, but my apologies for offending you unintentionally. RA, how about a response to my post? You seem to want to talk to the author of that book more than you want to discuss matters with the members of this community.
  10. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    The early church actually observed both days through the first few centuries, until the seventh day started falling out of vogue, along with all things Jewish. I unfortunately don't have a church any more, so it's been several years since I observed either. I live every day for Him as best I...
  11. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    Ok, now I have no clue what this guy's book actually says since you are not providing direct quotes here, but we are already agreed that NAR needs to be patently rejected, if for nothing else than for teaching Dominionism. But understand that before I go on here, I am in no way whatsoever...
  12. Vindicator

    What is your understanding of Psa 75:10?

    Post #4 is correct that it is using the analogy of a bull's horns, which are in effect it's weapons against one's enemies, hence the translation. But the phrase "Lift not up the horn" in verses 5-6 appears to be in reference to opposing God and His laws: 5 I said unto the transgressors, "Do not...
  13. Vindicator

    Are we in the end times ?

    Well that's a little depressing, LoL. But I suppose I can relate as well.
  14. Vindicator

    Are we in the end times ?

    Good morning, Truman. If I may ask, what does Oblio mean?
  15. Vindicator

    Are we in the end times ?

    I'd have to take issue with this position as well, Charlie, and greetings in Christ, btw. Nice to meet you. The entire New Testament is relevant to the church's teachings today, not just Paul's epistles. As Paul himself stated, "ALL scripture is good for doctrine, reprove, exhortation," and...
  16. Vindicator

    Are we in the end times ?

    To place Paul's words not only on the same level with but superior to the Lord Jesus Christ's is fraught with problems, and it appears to be what Hann is doing by rejecting the teachings of the Lord in the Gospels (Matthew and Mark specifically) as if they were not written to us. Rejecting the...
  17. Vindicator

    Are we in the end times ?

    That would be a severe problem. You take the words of the apostle Paul as more authoritative than the words of the Lord Jesus Christ? I can't tell you the problems that creates theologically, even with Paul's own teachings.
  18. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    No, no. It's not like that. I just don't see too many Christians who've been through it all still getting excited about much. Maybe that's a misconception on my part.
  19. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    I don't know who you are yet. How about you clue me in. :)
  20. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    Well I didn't think so initially. It's just that you sounded a bit exuberant about your "first Sabbath Zoom thing," so I got curious. So how'd it go?