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  1. Vindicator


    Ok. We'll just have to agree to disagree there, because it bucks against the analogy too hard for me. For me, the Word obviously grew within them, at least to some extent, and in order for the Word (who is Christ) to grow within them, it means they had to have received the Incorruptible Seed to...
  2. Vindicator


    Good morning, Seedtime. This passage is again talking about either bearing fruit or not bearing fruit, so let me ask you again: Do you believe the shallow ground believers or those filled with thorns that choked the word were saved, yes or no? 14 The sower sows the word. 15 And these are the...
  3. Vindicator


    This looks interesting, although unfortunately the NYT won't let me read their stuff without a subscription. In the NT, seed is referred to specifically in the Parable of the Mustard Seed (which becomes a tree), but also mentioned in places like the Parable of the Sower, which is about wheat...
  4. Vindicator


    I understand. The conversation made me curious, so I looked you up and started watching your teaching video. I've gotten to some things in it that I disagree with and don't think you substantiate very well, but maybe we can go through it whenever we have a chance to talk under better conditions...
  5. Vindicator


    You as well. God bless.
  6. Vindicator


    Well no offense to you either, but you quoted me and you were the one who initiated this conversation, not the other way around. It's a problem now because I don't find your arguments convincing?
  7. Vindicator

    Thanks for the encouragement, Riverhooks. I appreciate that. Yeah, depending on one's calling...

    Thanks for the encouragement, Riverhooks. I appreciate that. Yeah, depending on one's calling, the Christian walk can be a lonely one, but the more you grow accustomed to it, the more He walks with you.
  8. Vindicator

    "In the silence of my heart there is a distant call. It beckons me to stand apart." Breathe...

    "In the silence of my heart there is a distant call. It beckons me to stand apart." Breathe Again - AB III
  9. Vindicator


    Again, 2nd Timothy, you keep posting verses without explaining why you are posting them. I'm not sure at this point if we're in agreement or opposed, Lol.
  10. Vindicator


    The previous verses read as follows, however, and are conditional: 7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. 8 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples. 9 “As the Father loved Me, I...
  11. Vindicator


    That's a wonderful testimony. You have much to be proud of in Christ for sacrificing for your family through intercession.
  12. Vindicator


    Well, about the translation you used, the NLT is a little loose there. The word "favor" isn't actually in the text, and makes what is being said confusing, because what Israel was specifically seeking for was righteousness, not favor. The actual phrase in the Greek is simply, "Israel did not...
  13. Vindicator


    While circumcision was the means of entering into covenant, neither physical nor spiritual circumcision guaranteed salvation. All of the Jews were circumcised, and yet many were rejected by God in the wilderness for breaking the covenant He made with Him.
  14. Vindicator


    Only for a time, Lanolin. The average life span for vegetable seeds, for instance, is around four years if stored properly. After that, they are gone for good. But it is a good analogy as far as believers are concerned as well. It's why we use the term "planting seeds" when witnessing to others...
  15. Vindicator


    Salvation is a gift of God, and is not attainable by works. The confusing part for many, however, is in not understanding that God's grace can be rescinded if we do not respond to it appropriately. Some argue this turns it back into salvation by works, but it doesn't. It just means either you...
  16. Vindicator


    Welcome to Christian Chat. I like your site name. It's clever. Make the Lord the center of your life from here on out, Riverhooks, regardless of what anyone else thinks or says, and that includes here on the forums. Just focus on growing in Him by whatever means helps you the most, and don't...
  17. Vindicator


    Well, I will give you my interpretation of the passage you are referring to. You can judge for yourself if what I say makes any sense. He was comparing Himself there to the manna which the Jews were fed by the hand of God from Heaven, and the meaning is that Jesus was promising to provide for...
  18. Vindicator


    That doesn't appear to be what the parable is teaching: 14 The sower sows the word. 15 And these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown. When they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts. 16 These likewise are the ones sown on stony ground...
  19. Vindicator


    If the incorruptible seed is not allowed to grow in good soil, it will die away without bearing any fruit.
  20. Vindicator

    Thankfulings . . .

    I was wondering myself.:) Thankful that there are still lots of great new people to meet on the various forums. Thankful for my wonderful wife, and my three pets (my "children") Thankful to have a Lord over my life who loves me, and has given me a calling that I am very grateful for. And...