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  1. R

    The GAP Theory

    Everyone is a braggart when their knowledge, that comes from God via prayer and study overrides other peoples false assumptions. Do you understand people laugh at young earthers? God is shaking His head now, saying why can't my people add 2 + 2. Keep thinking 2 + 2 = 3.
  2. R

    The GAP Theory

    When you get to heaven you will now instantaneously, Ron was correct, and being correct is al I care about. I have been called unto prophecy for 40 plus years my friend, the biggest flaw I see is people do not know how to "connect the dots", they go into these long winded diatribes with grand...
  3. R

    The GAP Theory

    No, that is not what it means IMHO, I never even mention that in my old blog, but have flushed it out since via debates. It is obvious to me what God is relaying unto us here, IN THE BEGINING, God gave the commandment for creation to go forth, but there was still DARKNESS of the face of the...
  4. R

    The GAP Theory

    Some examples where this word us used in a different way BELOW: Notice it's always used as a PERIOD OF TIME of some sort. 2 Kings 17:37 And the statutes, and the ordinances, and the law, and the commandment, which he wrote for you, ye shall observe to do for evermore(YOWM); and ye shall not...
  5. R

    The GAP Theory

    Its called the Laws of Nature sir, God crested them when He created the universe. The problem with guys like you and your thought process, is since God is ETERNAL, He has no reason to SPEED THINGS UP, He lives in all time, so He lived in the end product as soon as He created the universe, which...
  6. R

    The GAP Theory

    Its called the Laws of Nature sir, God crested them when He created the universe. The problem with guys like you and your thought process, is since God is ETERNAL, He has no reason to SPEED THINGS UP, He lives in all time, so He lived in the end product as soon as He created the universe, which...
  7. R

    The GAP Theory

    These are FACTS, when you get to heaven you will see correctly. God also used Numbers like 12, 10 and 7 and that is why you guys do not understand the 144,000 code, you just are not intuitive enough to grasp God's codes, metaphors etc. etc. Hebrew was the very first language, if you study it...
  8. R

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    You will find out sir one day. Better remain in Christ, anyone whole Loves THIS EVIL WORLD, has not the love of God in him, Jesus said that.
  9. R

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Well, he clearly does not understand that you can lose your salvation, which tech. you never had, we are only saved once we walk the full flight, you can serve God 80 years and turn to Satan. You are the ones who are not understanding plain scripture. Jesus said that many he will cast off, Jesus...
  10. R

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    No, you are putting words in my mouth, that's a NO NO, I am merely saying people can freely turn against God after having known God. Its just a fact. Its one thing to stray, and just get lost, its entirely a different thing when you turn against God. Any "Christian" who advocates for any type...
  11. R

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    You clearly do not understand scriptures, do not think you will make heaven by just name it and claim it, you have to be regenerated in Christ Jesus my friend.
  12. R

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I have ben a preacher 40 years my dear sister, these things are easy compared to the prophesy I am called unto. Read 1 Cor. 15, it says that those who are raptured DIE, but can you dig that out? Its there. With translated words from other languages, one must go deep sometimes to grasp what is...
  13. R

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I did least not on purpose, I came back to get the verse, I had John 3:16 pilled up, so I might have accidently OFFEED IT..........But my rebut is to your John 3:18 premise sister, which is why I stated, "You have the PROMISE of Salvation, but you still have to ENDURE. How to 5...
  14. R

    The GAP Theory

    I did a blog years ago explaining this, I will post it below You are correct but you do not explain why, how et al. Everything in the bible is true and it matches science if we know how to interpret what God is saying. Most people here have no idea what God really put forth about creation. They...
  15. R

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    You have that promise of Salvation, but you have to ENDURE until the end. What part of that do you not get, the point is anyone can turn away from God. That is why Jesus said only 5 of the 10 virgin brides will make the Marriage in Heaven. That ratio also matches the Matt. 24:36-51 ONE TAKEN and...
  16. R

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Of course salvation can be "LOST" but not really, but yes REALLY. Sounds illogical right? Well, the point is Jesus told his disciples in Matt. 24:13 that they must endure until the end for a reason, ones salvation only comes at death. Is there blood applied or not. Its like watching a pro...
  17. R

    Predestination is misunderstood...

    Yes, Jesus was I AM........Jesus was in the Desert with Israel, Paul said he was that Rock that followed them everywhere..........In Dan. 12 Jesus was the Man in Linen.........In Gen. 18 and 19 Jesus was the man Abraham called the Lord. Jesus comes from the Hebrew word Yeshua, meaning...
  18. R

    Day of the Lord and the Thief.

    He's quoting Malachi 4:5-6 basically and/or Joel 2:31. But go reread Malachi 4:5-6 and to a word study on before, it actually derives from a word meaning "FACE" so if you are before a king you are in the presence of the kings [face] so to speak. Anyway, it means in the presence of, so Elijah and...
  19. R

    Day of the Lord and the Thief.

    I have read through the first page, you have good intentions my friend, but on the whole you are just not quite getting to the facts in full, in the end. Gary A is correct, the DOTL is THE DAY God's Wrath starts on or the full 1000 year reign, plus the 3.5 years before that in which God starts...
  20. R

    Are you pre-Trib, mid-Trib, or post-Trib?

    Jesus told us we should know the times by looking at all the signs. For starters, Israel had to be reborn, and scriptures said that would happen in the END TIMES. So, check that off the board. Secondly the 10 horns or kings had to arise out of the fourth beasts head. The number 10 = completion...