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  1. M

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    I'm not going to go down the whole Mary path on this website. I feel it's a step too far for most people to understand or accept. But I will say this. I've been and I've seen. I've met her and I believe. Christ is our one and only saviour. And I will never deny this. He is the one who came...
  2. M

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    Thanks. It's really quite difficult to put into words such deep emotion. And to answer your question about Fatima more directly, Fatima, Garabandal and Medjugorje are all linked. The warning is the great culmination of over a century's worth of prophesy and we are entering the first phases of...
  3. M

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    The greatest gift God has given me is 5 simple but powerful words. I say them countless times a day at the moment. Every time I feel challenged "Your will be done Lord"
  4. M

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    Finally you have said something we agree upon. Peace be with you brother!
  5. M

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    Thankyou. As a Christian who use purely motivated by scripture, please read this from Psalm 66 and Malachi 3 "For you, O God, have tested us; you have tried us as silver is tried. You brought us into the net; you laid a crushing burden on our backs; you let men ride over our heads; we went...
  6. M

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    At first I didn't understand what on earth was going on, then God lead me to a book called 'The Warning' by Christine Watkins. At first I was a bit dubious but then I got listening to the testimonies in it. I've come to understand that what I've experienced is a real thing. It's happened to...
  7. M

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    I've been to Fatima, Lourdes and Medjugorje in 1993. Fatima is the scariest place I've ever been to be honest. What I'm talking about talking about is called the illumination of conscience, or the warning spoken about by Padre Pio, Sister Sasagawa, Garabandal to name a few. If people don't...
  8. M

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    If you are interested in talking about it, you are welcome to send me a private message. What I'm alluding to is an event that will come soon and it will precede the tribulation spoken of in the Bible. As many of my sources are Catholic, I'm not going to risk ruffling any more feathers by...
  9. M

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    If any of my posts cross the line, moderators please delete. I will add that I'm not here to push Catholicism as the only way, I'm just sharing info from within that may not have been heard outside our church. But again, please delete if inappropriate as I with to remain respectful.
  10. M

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    YouTube is a treasure chest of Priests who move in the spirit. They are definitely out there. This is another very interesting thing. Troy Black, a non Catholic prophet has had a revelation about Catholicism and shares it in this video. It only serves to confirm what our own internal prophets...
  11. M

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    To anyone who's interest has been piqued by what I have said re prophesy and the antichrist, I invite you to look into some of these places and people. The list below only scratches the surface of the sources I could quote but they are all 20th and 21st century events and people, with the...
  12. M

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    I can tell you with an open and honest heart two things. #1) Jesus IS moving in my my life. I don't know where he's taking me, but I've told him I will follow. #2) This one breaks my heart, but I'm not in the USA to do anything about it. There are many gay teens who have grown up in...
  13. M

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    This is getting wayyyyyy off topic, but for some 500 years now, this point in time has been talked about in our church (RCC) We are on the precipice of an event that will rock the entire planet. It will be the biggest act of grace since Jesus himself walked the earth. When it happens we will...
  14. M

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    Hi PC123. I said I was done with this thread, but I will come back to answer this for you. Yes I 100% agree with you. It is not offensive at all to suggest that a degree of morality should apply to homosexual behaviour. This might sound like an oxymoron, but the values of decency, respect and...
  15. M

    Matt 10:23 What does Jesus mean?

    Yes, our church prophets have been talking about an event called 'The Warning' for about 500 years. All indications are that we are on the precipice of this event. Once it occurs, the tribulation will follow shortly afterward
  16. M

    Matt 10:23 What does Jesus mean?

    I am currently doing a crash course in refreshing myself with scripture and studying end times and I noticed this strange hint in Matthew 10 16-23 16 "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. 17 Beware of men; for they will deliver...
  17. M

    Do catholics worship God or the pope?

    It would seem that all you're here to do is Catholic bash. Have fun with that.
  18. M

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    Okay, I think I'm done with this thread now, it's starting to get personal. I know who the true Christians are among you and I thank you for listening. May Jesus walk with you always and keep your hearts open to those poor in spirit. In spite of all the judgement and being told I'll never be...
  19. M

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    How do you know that isn't what I'm doing already? There's a lot of assumptions being made about my personal life here. But I forgive you all. May the peace of love of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be upon you ✝️
  20. M

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    Clearly you have not read a word I have said. You only see what you want see to because you are blinded by self righteous hatred. let me spell it out for you yet again. I DO NOT CLAIM THAT BEING GAY AND SEXUALLY ACTIVE IS ANYTHING LESS THAN SINFUL.