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  1. I

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    I would assume that the prophecies you quoted from Zechariah, Jeremiah, and Amos. Would be fulfilled, if and only if, Israel remained faithful to their covenant. If Israel broke their side of their covenant then all bets are off.
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    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    I agree that God's sovereign election in chapter nine of Romans concerns the nation of Israel and the Gentile nations. Not God's sovereign election of any individual, Paul is not talking about why that person is elect and someone else is non elect. Paul is talking about why Israel failed to...
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    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    How would you define the gospel as given in the scripture?
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    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    You have ignored the context. The context in chapter nine concerns Israel and the Gentiles. Faith versus works. Now read the context. Romans 9:11-13 For though the twins were not yet born and had not done anything good or bad, so that God’s purpose according to His choice would stand, not...
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    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    I disagree, Cameron. The wheat and the tares both grow together. The wheat grows! Then the wheat is strangled by the thorns. Calvinism will not allow the wheat seed to germinate, let alone, grow, and then fall away.
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    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    The verse you quoted is definitely identifying the nation of Israel. "For this people's heart is waxed gross..." In the given context Jesus makes it clear that "this people" is Israel. The Gentiles would listen and respond the the gospel but not Israel.
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    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    Your reply is incorrect. Here is the verse from Luke again. Luke 8:7 Other seed fell among the thorns; and the thorns grew up with it and choked it out. Both the wheat and the thorns grew! But over time the thorns choked the wheat. The text definitely states that these folk were Christian...
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    Saved by faith alone. A surmised understanding?

    Even better is when Paul declared to the Corinthians the gospel he preached. 1 Corinthians 2:2 For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. The gospel is basically just one line of text. Does anyone accept that? They cannot accept what Paul stated. The...
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    Saved by faith alone. A surmised understanding?

    I would understand "grace" at a higher level, more so, God's unconditional love for humanity. Christ was driven by that unconditional love all the way to the cross. Unmerited favor?
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    Saved by faith alone. A surmised understanding?

    You misunderstand the paradigm of salvation by grace. We can only ever be saved by that one event, that is, Christ's atonement. Can you understand that salvation is received in gift form from God. Christ's atonement reconciled you to God, the gospel, end of story. Adding a work does not...
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    Saved by faith alone. A surmised understanding?

    Absolutely, the sacrifice of Christ and our belief in Jesus, is the sole reason for our salvation. Though that faith must produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, that person's faith is a dead faith. All good works follow from the reception of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is...
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    Saved by faith alone. A surmised understanding?

    Are you proposing that somehow 'bad works' can also justify? James is actually talking about faith without works, a dead faith, no outflow of love. A strange question, of course not. The letter of James is a very controversial letter, often quoted and misunderstood. NO
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    Saved by faith alone. A surmised understanding?

    The verse you quoted is an instruction to participate in good works, because good works will perfect your faith. James 2:22 You see that faith was working with his works, and as a result of the works, faith was perfected. Our reconciliation to the Father that Jesus performed on the cross, was...
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    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    Here is a verse you would quote. Romans 9:13 Just as it is written: “Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated.” Which has nothing to do with Calvinism. The selection of Jacob concerned the lineage of the Christ. Jacob represented God's grace through faith ultimately. But Esau represented the...
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    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    I can assure you that I am well aware of the verses you would quote. The parable of the sower and the seed clearly demonstrates that in the second verse below (Luke 8:7). Those people heard and grew in faith but were eventually overcome. That is impossible in Calvinism. Luke 8:5 The sower...
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    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    I don't think the entire New Testament had been written at the time that Paul, penned this letter to Timothy. So was Paul referring to the Old Testament in your quotation (2 Timothy 3:16)? Did Paul see his own letters as scripture or as inspired letters?
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    Saved by faith alone. A surmised understanding?

    You need to read the letter of James more carefully. James 2:22 You see that faith was working with his works, and as a result of the works, faith was perfected. Lots of people stumble in the letter of James. If you want a rock solid faith in Jesus then perform some good works.
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    Saved by faith alone. A surmised understanding?

    Because church history is riddled with faith plus works. We are unfortunate in that sense, we can't get past go.
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    Saved by faith alone. A surmised understanding?

    The verse below illustrates the same thing as being saved by faith. Romans 5:1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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    If Jesus Joined This Forum . . .

    I am not sure whether Jesus would have His account removed. Though there would be no doubt that some folk would disagree with some of His posts. Perhaps some viewpoints in eschatology would be one area of disagreement. There would be disagreement with folk about politics and Christianity...