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  1. Yahshua

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    But Jaybo you make the point about context, but don't maintain it when reading Romans 7. Agreed, The Jews were living under the Covenant at Sinai. The original context is the Jews' relationship with God. It was their marriage contract to the Living God. That's the context. Remember that the...
  2. Yahshua

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    Tisn't, Dino. Going to post snippets of scripture to save on character space but please read the entire passage referenced. James 2:1-13 1 My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons... [...] 10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law...
  3. Yahshua

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    The law requires obedience. Still does after Cross. You're arguing against obeying the law as if there wasn't always a mercy seat or blood sprinkled as part of the OT imagery. Obedience is still required but seeking forgiveness for stumbling was always part of the process of growth. It's just...
  4. Yahshua

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    So I copy and past multiple passages from the bible of what it clearly says multiple times... ...and then as a response, you give me a paragraph explaining what the bible says...without quoting one passage actually saying it.
  5. Yahshua

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    Many attribute this chapter to David. David was also a prophet. The words of the prophets applied to their lives first and then prophesied fulfillment of those words in Christ later, and such doesn't necessitate every verse of the passage being attributed to Him. For example: Psalm 119:33-34...
  6. Yahshua

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    Regarding Psalm 119; you both may find the following's something I'm still exploring... All scripture must harmonize, and scripture says Christ has no sin, but clearly, portions of the passage apply to Christ. Consider these points: - Moses was commanded to craft the mercy...
  7. Yahshua

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    Maybe it will better help if we define terms, as I don't think there's disagreement. Here are how I roughly define the following terms: mortal - A being subject to sickness and death immortal - A being not subject to sickness or death; divinity/"glory". man(kind) - A being made a little lower...
  8. Yahshua

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    Indeed. Because scripture says He is. John 20:28 [Brackets mine] Thomas replied [to Christ], "You are my Lord and my God! Colossians 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God...
  9. Yahshua

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    John 10:18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have power/authority to lay it down and power/authority to take it up again. All scripture is true. So it all must harmonize. Phil 2:6-7 Who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to...
  10. Yahshua

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    Acts 2:24, 32 Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it. 32 God has raised this Jesus to life, to which we are all witnesses. Acts 13:15, 26, 30-31 15 You killed the Author of life, but God raised Him from the dead...
  11. Yahshua

    The Royal Law Confuse with the Animal Sacrificial Law.

    You are establishing that definition, but scripture isn't. "Pass from" means "removal". Whereas, "change" means "updated but still there". Scripture says the priesthood changed so the law governing the priesthood had to also change. Scripture doesn't say the priesthood changed so the law...
  12. Yahshua

    The Royal Law Confuse with the Animal Sacrificial Law.

    No Can you share a passage that says "when the law was changed it was completely fulfilled"? The law regarding the Day of Atonement concludes with the High Priest removing his priestly garments and then rejoining the people after performing his ministry in the Most Holy Place. The...
  13. Yahshua

    The Royal Law Confuse with the Animal Sacrificial Law.

    No problem. I attempt to color-code each element of the law to help with the explanation. All red belong together, while all blue belong together: Truly, if you mean understanding that the breaking of the commandments is why a savior is needed, yes. But specifically, in Galatians Paul is...
  14. Yahshua

    The Royal Law Confuse with the Animal Sacrificial Law.

    But this statement can only truly apply to the Jews to whom Paul was speaking. If no one lived through obeying the law then this statement doesn't apply to them. If you or I never had to live through animal sacrifices for cleansing our sins or through purification rites to cleanse our iniquity...
  15. Yahshua

    The Royal Law Confuse with the Animal Sacrificial Law.

    Q) But can the Author of the law alter His own law? A) yes. Hebrews 7:12 For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law. The scripture doesn't say the law was ended but that it was changed...amended...updated. Q) What was changed about it? A) The...
  16. Yahshua

    When is a Persons Last Chance to Make a Last Choice

    Technically, a person's last chance to choose is after the 1000 years when the nations resurrect just before the Gog Magog war. The world has been left to its own devices while those who will rule/teach during the millennium are currently being prepared/trained/proven. There is so much...
  17. Yahshua

    What Order Should a New Christian Read the Bible in?

    How can anyone say they truly understand a story or topic coming in halfway through the material instead of starting "in the beginning"? A solid foundation is essential to build a solid structure. Otherwise, any strong outside wind (ruach = spirit) can come and blow the entire structure...
  18. Yahshua

    Struggling reading through romans 8 & 9 and Calvinism.

    The promises were indeed made [TO] an ethnic bloodline, we literally read that from Genesis. Christ was never spoken to by the Almighty about these promises in the OT, it was Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob being spoken to when these promises were made. Almighty made promises to them. What you really...
  19. Yahshua

    How many People Think the Jews Could Be Wrong?

    Well, there's no evidence from the passage that God turned any rocks into children of Abraham or turned any trees or any grass into them either. We know He could make anyone into the children of Abraham, but there's no evidence He did here. ...And if He did, we'd also have to wrestle with the...
  20. Yahshua

    How many People Think the Jews Could Be Wrong?

    Whenever I speak of the Jews or Israel as it relates to the prophecy (blessing or punishment) I'm never referring - in any way - to the modern folks who call themselves "jews" or "jewish", UNLESS I also mention Edom, Edomites, or Esau. Please see my latest post to you in the other thread. When...