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  1. T

    Difficult Situation

    Hey everyone, I am currently in a difficult situation. Difficult as in, hard choices, as opposed to poverty or that sort of matter. SECTION 1a: A Very, very, very General Gist I took a final "exam" for [insert subject] for school. I was allowed to retake it. I asked my teacher if he's allowed...
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    Report Cheating?

    I saw a sign in my school bathroom today and it showed actions students should report, and “academic cheating” was on it. It didn’t seem like a “thou shalt do this” kind of deal, but rather, like one of those don’t do drugs, or make sure to eat your vegetables, or make sure to stay in school...
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    Clothing From China

    Hi everyone, I’d like to keep this post brief. I’m not very knowledgeable on work conditions, unfair wages, and child labor occurring around the world, so feel free to correct me on stuff haha. My concern is with my non-Christian parents and the ethics of purchasing articles of clothing from...
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    Something I Did

    Hmm, would those books be necessary for me currently in my Christian life? If I was an adult I might go for them, but in my current situation I’d rather not (not because I’m cheap or in poverty or anything like those).
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    Something I Did

    Hmm, be aware that it exists, or be aware of what it is?
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    Licenses and Lying

    Well it seems to me that nail technicians are supposed to complete five hours of continuing education every two years.
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    Licenses and Lying

    Hi reneweddaybyday, I hope it’s okay if I ask you something. When time comes, and my Dad would like for me to help him in getting his and my mother’s licenses renewed, and their continuing education is not completed (and it says that it is), I’m curious if it would be okay for me to tell my...
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    Something I Did

    Hey everyone. I’d like to try to keep this post sorta brief, and I hope that’s okay with you. On YouTube I saw a thumbnail and title about like, signs you’re possessed by Satan. There’s a good chance I had a hubristic thought something like “Pfft, I don’t believe in that stuff anyway.”...
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    Report Cheating?

    thank you for responding everyone
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    Licenses and Lying

    Hi Mii, Regarding the telling whomever, I’m not sure if you’re speaking hypothetically, or in reality. But I haven’t told them about that stuff, and I think the concept of conscience violation would be sorta weird in this context (to them at least). But if u don’t mind me asking, do you think...
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    Licenses and Lying

    But basically, If they seek help from someone other than me (to get their individual licenses renewed) Should I seek to inform the helper that my parents haven’t completed their continuing education?
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    Licenses and Lying

    But basically, to verify that you DID do your continuing education, it was like a affirmation kind of deal, simply ”saying” that u did it, no exam to test ur knowledge, essentially
  13. T

    Report Cheating?

    Sorry for keeping this brief and blunt. My question is, should I report (school) cheating? I’m sure this is very vague, but feel free to ask questions.
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    Licenses and Lying

    thanks for your replies everyone
  15. T

    Licenses and Lying

    Hello, Basically, let’s say I refuse to help, if my Dad calls someone else for help going through the process of license renewal (now that they’ve “completed” their continuing education), do you think I should tell that person that my parents actually have not completed their continuing...
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    Licenses and Lying

    If ur referring to course questions, there’s two books (they’re the same) that, to do, you have to read stuff in it. Assistance I provide would probably be to some extent helpful, but I still doubt they’d be willing to go through that process (My Dad, most definitely, my Mom, most likely)
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    Licenses and Lying

    @tourist Also maybe it’s worth mentioning that if the course was available in Vietnamese, I think there’s a 99% chance my Dad wouldn’t go through with it, but maybe a 70% chance my Mom wouldn’t go through with it. It’s also worth mentioning it’s possible that the level of fluency in the native...
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    Licenses and Lying

    Also I think they have to complete a certain amount of hours of education or something maybe. I’m not sure how secure the process is though.
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    Licenses and Lying

    I think they take an exam, according to my mother
  20. T

    Licenses and Lying

    If I didn’t mention it in this post already (which I don’t think I did) I really ought to be very grateful for all the work my parents put both IN their jobs, and OUTSIDE their jobs. ❤️