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  1. G

    Transgender pain

    Thank you for taking the time for all of this, I can pm but I don't know what you'd get out of it, I don't want to waste your time. You said "Erm, what do you mean by backing. I looked it up and I could see that being used about castration or a hysterectomy (modern but why not?) or just...
  2. G

    Transgender pain

    Hey there, yes stereotypes. I just fit all the male ones. I loved the scripture you sent about the frustration of creation, it is at least comforting that God acknowledges the frustration. As for what I expect from this forum now, I'm just answering questions in here, no expectations...
  3. G

    Transgender pain

    Hi there, cool question Basically a female body is not masculine, and I am repulsed by femininity. I cannot simply live as a tomboy because that is a ridiculous step down in masculinity that I cannot tolerate. Too many signs I'm male ever since I was a kid, the way I sat, no dresses or clothes...
  4. G

    Transgender pain

    Although I don't know your struggle, it sounds so hard and I'll keep you in my prayers; You are so right about telling God how I feel, yesterday I got triggered and cursed God and God used the very music I was listening to at that moment to talk to me; the lyrics said "had to sit down talk to...
  5. G

    Transgender pain

    I have had problems with my chest ever since the beginning as a child. It freaked me out to shave my legs too. Freaked me out to be told to sit like a girl, wouldn't. Make up, wouldn't. All of that female nonsense hurt as a kid too. I didn't train myself to be in pain. My chest pain will knock...
  6. G

    Transgender pain

    "And the fact that you have so much pain with just moving your chest, shows that you KNOW becoming a transgender is and would be wrong.." I can't get out of this font now. Can you please explain how you concluded that? And may you never know what types, the range of things one can be made to...
  7. G

    Transgender pain

    I don't fight my natural masculinity, I don't get bit. Others fight my natural masculinity, then it bites.
  8. G

    Transgender pain

    To me the question is fully answered. You see biology. My condition has me see other aspects to being a man. I'm not doing anything on purpose I just feel talking with you has become nearly pointless
  9. G

    Transgender pain

    Obviously your mind is made up about me. Why waste time with my obvious physical limitations when I have so many psychological symptoms a male could relate to like being freaked out by having a chest.
  10. G

    Transgender pain

    There is so much more to being a male than biology.
  11. G

    Transgender pain

    My reality from your eyes; the reality of my eyes is that I'm male.
  12. G

    Transgender pain

    Now I understand. So if someone here was lgbt supportive and saw me as male, I could live my life, it's a freeing feeling. Not that I don't live my life. There's a burden that comes off of me. Living my life is a huge understatement that I can't describe. So much justice. To be known. Then...
  13. G

    Transgender pain

    I truly don't understand this question. If my pain comes from reduced masculinity and in my life I try hard to put God first, reading my Bible and trusting in him even though I don't want to talk to him sometimes, support from christians is the best because they will pray
  14. G

    Transgender pain

    Because I am male and I only involve those in my life usually who see me for the truth. I might not be understanding your question. Probably because God is always on my mind.
  15. G

    Transgender pain

    People who are on T or consider themselves male, in my case, are transitioned. Like I said there's a hole in my heart over not being able to take things further with surgery so far. "If" I went through with them, it would be easier to not hate God.
  16. G

    Transgender pain

    "If I transition"? I'm on T I'm already transitioned. I know I don't feel whole without the surgeries. My entire masculinity isn't going to come crashing down because I've got 11 years of true inner happiness despite the pain whenever male affirming things happen to me.
  17. G

    Transgender pain

    Considering statistics have good outlooks for me if I transition I feel the mercy of God.
  18. G

    Transgender pain

    What kind of rock bottom lol I have tried to kill myself 5 times and those are the times I count. All over my pain of being reminded I am not wholy masculine without my body/misgendering being excruciating. My last 6 years have been torture with it. How many rock bottoms are there. I'm waiting...
  19. G

    Transgender pain

    I truly thought there would be more Christians on here that would support me being male lol. I didn't think there would be anything to gain from someone disagreeing with me but it has really engaged my mind, and people are praying
  20. G

    Transgender pain

    Yes ive been on hormones for two years, would have been sooner but I started having trouble with work in 2017. Before then I was really occupied with relationships and college, not sure exactly why I didn't go for hormones immediately 2012-2017 like when I changed my name immediately. I remember...