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  1. G

    Transgender pain

    I was raised in a Christian family, it never came up on the news. I did have clue of being different starting from hating dresses at 5, girls clothes as I got older. Then whenever my chest came in that was the biggest sign for me because of how uncomfortable I got. But no I was clueless about...
  2. G

    Transgender pain

    This is another video where the girl tries to dress like a girl to fit in. The second I see that I'm like nope not me and I leave my specific case in God's hands
  3. G

    Transgender pain

    If you want to see a detransition video this was better. Still though in my 11 years knowing I was transgender, 5 years ceaselessly praying to God, I have never once wanted to detransition.
  4. G

    Transgender pain

    My posts are out of order making it almost impossible to find posts. Post 20 to post 233? I don't think I understand how the posting system works
  5. G

    Transgender pain

    Someone asked about the Sophia video. Have y'all watched that video?! Why bother asking me I don't relate at all. I am masculine. She has fits of femininity or whatever. Was "sort of" a tomboy. "Grew out of it" . "experimented with make up". There's got to be a better detransition video lol.
  6. G

    Transgender pain

    I am sorry yes I thought Elihu was one of Job's friends. God showed up to correct Job in time to be redeemed, maybe God will reveal his righteousness to me in time because Lord knows I can't figure it out in this much pain. Please God make me eat my words that you committed a crime, with a...
  7. G

    Transgender pain

    Pain started before I ever started living as transgender. I was an innocent kid that didn't want to wear make up dresses jumpers girls shoes and clothes, how I sat was different, I loved Dragonball Z fighting show and made a story with only male characters. Some of the pain disappears when I get...
  8. G

    Transgender pain

    Isaiah 45:9 King James Version (KJV) Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands? Also says it in new testament. My question to God would be...
  9. G

    Transgender pain

    Maybe I was wrong, will have to look into this
  10. G

    Transgender pain

    Guess I felt compelled to reply; I ask God now if there is any untruth in any of my pain to reveal it, search me and know me God, in Jesus name I pray
  11. G

    Transgender pain

    You said In fact, had Job not repented, then he would have faced God's wrath, and even a great ransom would not have been able to redeem him (Job 36:18). That's Elihu Job's bad company saying that, Job 42:8, it was folly, job was right "wrongly portraying himself as being righteous (Job...
  12. G

    Transgender pain

    Thank you that's great to know. The site definitely saves drafts lol, I wasn't going to post the assisted suicide thing, navigated away from the page and came back to reply to someone and there it posted lol. I'll have to be sure to erase whatever in the future
  13. G

    Transgender pain

    Hey there. One Christian is lgbt (Rooster), Christian for probably 15+ years. 32 years old. Taught me Jesus is God. The other is cisgender, (Dia) 32? years old, if y'all are okay with me using that term. Non lgbt. She taught me about the mustard seed and is always asking about my faith...
  14. G

    Transgender pain

    Thank you!!! Awesome my king james version says it sooo much cooler though, "The discretion of a man defferreth his anger; and it is his glory to pass over a transgression" So yes I do look to God for my masculinity
  15. G

    Transgender pain

    How many more suicide attempts can I possibly have lol. I don't regret my facial hair. Actually I never relate to the testimonies. I don't want kids I can't even give a cat a pill so I don't own one. God didn't make a mistake, he has some greater good purpose yet I hate him for using me for it...
  16. G

    Transgender pain

    I've got two Christian friends that all support me being male and I trust them, trust God more, as I hope in his mercy. If my counselor isn't a Christian that's going to bother me but it's free. I don't let anyone in my life except for y'all that don't see me as male. God helped me find an lgbt...
  17. G

    Transgender pain

    I most have not gotten a notification, I'll be looking for it. So many responses today and good ones too, trying to get to them all
  18. G

    Transgender pain

    Thank you for your time, yes that's cool I see how respectful you are even though you disagree
  19. G

    Transgender pain

    I am so glad I go to God in the genuineness of my pain, I will continue to believe I am one of the ones who ought to receive that passage as I trust God more than humans, but I appreciate your prayers