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  1. Yahshua

    REVELATION 2:9 Who are those who claim they are Jews but are of the synagogue of Satan?

    The way most understand this is that the 7 churches represent the actual communities of the early movement, but the message can be applied to all believers throughout all time (because people are still the same in nearly 2000 years; so a particular church can represent a type of believer...
  2. Yahshua

    What is the standing of Israel in God's eyes right now?

    Hi! Once upon a time there were born twin brothers. The oldest was a wild man, hunter, and warrior. The youngest was a gentle homebody. One day the oldest sold his birthright to his younger brother for the pleasure of the flesh (his belly). That birthright was to strive with The Almighty as The...
  3. Yahshua

    GOG MAGOG?????

    Hi Pilgrimshope, If we take the events of Ezekiel like you say (and which I also agree with doing), then we'd need to shift the events of Revelation a bit so that Gog/Magog of Ezekiel 39 matches Gog/Magog of Revelation 20:7 The book of Ezekiel was written while in Babylonian captivity, so...
  4. Yahshua

    Israel Declares War

    Thanks for sharing the vid. I watched it. Let me ask a hypothetical to get your take. If I converted to the religion of Judaism tomorrow, should I have an ancient biblical claim to the land as a Jew?
  5. Yahshua

    Israel Declares War

    This year went entirely too fast. I'm rebelling against all things fall for at least another week lol I've got it! Great suggestion. To be honest, I was probably thinking I was Mr. Invinsible since I used it often...but this humbled me pretty quickly lol
  6. Yahshua

    Israel Declares War

    just to confirm, you're saying the first portion prophesies 70 AD destruction while the second potion prophesies the destruction of a future temple?
  7. Yahshua

    Israel Declares War

    Yeah, this was the first time I ever had it. It's terrible; I wish it on no one. That's why whatever someone suggests I use I rush to the store to get it. I hope you feel better soon too.
  8. Yahshua

    Israel Declares War

    What about the temple that stood for 46 years before it was finally surrounded by the Roman army as it was desolated in 70 ad? Leading to nearly two millennia of persecution of the Jews. Doesn't that count?
  9. Yahshua

    Israel Declares War

    Ok I'm back. We disagree a bit on who the recipients of the promise are. Not everyone who claims to be Israel is Israel. Israel's obedience to the Almighty was always a condition for remaining in the land, and whenever Israel's disobedience reached an obnoxious level the Almighty removed them...
  10. Yahshua

    Israel Declares War

    TYVM. I do have vitamin D but not the other two. I'll pick them up asap. Thanks again.
  11. Yahshua

    Israel Declares War

    The land belongs to the children of Israel. The promise is unconditional. But as long as they are disobedient they will not receive what was promised. As soon as they are obedient they get what was promised to them. The promise doesn't expire. This has been the case throughout biblical history.
  12. Yahshua

    Israel Declares War

    indeed. but not without... Deuteronomy 30:1-3 1 And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call them to mind among all the nations, whither the Lord thy God hath driven thee, 2 And shalt return...
  13. Yahshua

    Israel Declares War

    Wow...some really feel that? Just worship of satan with no consequence from Almighty?
  14. Yahshua

    Israel Declares War

    Hi! Forgive my tardy reply. I'm currently battling the flu. Thank you for the warm welcome!
  15. Yahshua

    Israel Declares War

    You will find repeated across biblical history that whenever Israel became disobedient to the point of being intolerable, the Almighty punished them by removing Israel from their land...and He would not allow them to return to their land until first showing obedience to the covenant *in the land...
  16. Yahshua

    GOG MAGOG?????

    Revelation ch 1-3 = Intro, vision of the Holy Temple, letters to churches Revelation ch 4-11 = full timeline for establishing Messiah's Kingdom (starting from His ascension at Pentecost) "It is done". Revelation ch 12-16 = full timeline for establishing Messiah's Kingdom (another witness...
  17. Yahshua

    Who is the false prophet and beast?

    I agree, there are strong markers. From my perspective, The Roman Catholic Church would more closely be the great harlot that rides atop The Beast of the sea (representing the congregation of Catholics - both clergy and laity), not the beast itself. A few reasons why: - The Roman Catholic...
  18. Yahshua

    Who is the false prophet and beast?

    My view...more or less. Characters: Dreadful Beast of Daniel 7 = Pagan Roman Empire The Beast = The Beast of the Sea = Beast of the Pit = Little Horn of Daniel 7 = Holy Roman Empire (Papal Rome) The False Prophet = United States of America The Locust = Muslims/Saracens/Arabs The Angel of...
  19. Yahshua

    United States in End Time Prophecy

    I agree that the symbols that modern nations take on are a clue into which spiritual principality they continue to represent. I just believe that the USA is the beast of the earth: I particularly believe the USA is the beast from the earth and that the beast of the sea was the Holy Roman Empire...
  20. Yahshua

    The tribulation

    as an aside; babies laughing are such a joy to watch