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  1. I

    MARK OF.....

    The Reformers repeatedly identified the Pope as the antichrist. Luther himself stated it repeatedly. "This teaching [of the supremacy of the pope] shows forcefully that the Pope is the very Antichrist, who has exalted himself above, and opposed himself against Christ, because he will not...
  2. I

    Climate Change

    Let me guess. The eruption in Russia?
  3. I

    MARK OF.....

    Correct, yet we do not have the circumstances in the world for that to occur. I definitely can't see any sign of a powerful world leader at present. Nor can I see that the world even needs a world leader now. No one is even listening to anyone else. The time is not right yet.
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    MARK OF.....

    That idea of an implant for identification is a very likely candidate for the mark. Though we may have some way to go before that would be possible. I don't think that many people in society would opt for an implant presently. There is really not a good reason to consider an implant. The...
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    MARK OF.....

    Your correct rrcn, no one reads Luke's account they only quote from Matthew.
  6. I

    MARK OF.....

    The destruction of the temple in AD 70.
  7. I

    Climate Change

    Just hope that the last year and a half don't continue, otherwise we have caused a climatic apocalypse.
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    Climate Change

    Last year I think we passed 1.5 C of warming for six months. Probably still above 1.5 degrees this year also. How much will the temperature drop as La Nina kicks in? This is what nobody knows.
  9. I

    Climate Change

    I can use other sources, Wikipedia is just the quickest source to use. Credibility is not determined by any source of information. Credibility is the quality of being trusted and believed in. The trait of Credibility belongs to Jesus alone. Unless you wish to boast in your own credibility...
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    Climate Change

    Obviously, you do not trust Meteorology and their temperature measurements. Observational science is a valid discipline, what you see is what you get. You have no need to make any assumptions before you read a thermometer. Mwhaaaaaaaa.
  11. I

    Climate Change

    Here is an extract from your quotation taken from Communications Earth & Environment, "this places 2022 directly on the latest 50-year (1973–2022) trend, which remains at 0.19 ± 0.01 °C/decade. The error is the 5–95% confidence interval of the 50-year regression, using the HadCRUT5...
  12. I

    Climate Change

    Your posts are slowly improving. No one knows whether the Big Bang theory is correct or not. That is why it is called a theory. There are some deep problems with the Big Bang theory also. We may never know how the universe began, if it even began at all. The problem I have with science is at...
  13. I

    Climate Change

    Comments such as meteorologists measure temperature?
  14. I

    Climate Change

    Not into Greek mythology.
  15. I

    Climate Change

    You still fail to understand that there are two distinct types of science. Observational science such as meteorology where you record the temperature every day. There are no theories regarding the reading of a thermometer. Temperature records can never be replaced by some alternate theory...
  16. I

    How should Christians view the Ukraine/Russia situation?

    A small nuclear missile into a selected Ukraine city would solve all the problems. The western nations would back away from nuclear conflict with Russia.
  17. I

    How should Christians view the Ukraine/Russia situation?

    Russia may have internal problems to deal with. Russia is in a war with Ukraine, Europe, Britain, and the US. Lots of internal political and military turmoil. Social media, news sites around the world, everyone is having a say. Russia is in a battle for it's survival. I suspect it is chaos...
  18. I

    Climate Change

    You need the evidence to conduct a debate. I also suspect your interpretation of the scripture may be questionable.
  19. I

    Climate Change

    Observable science that measures temperature is not the enemy. People that follow an ideology will use meteorology to advance their campaign. Who ever that may be. There is a difference between observable science and what those observations are actually used for. There are climate change...
  20. I

    Climate Change

    Where there is no scientific evidence available to deny climate change. Then there can be no debate. It is akin to standing in a courtroom and making claims without any evidence. You will be dismissed, you have no case. Just ask a qualified meteorologist whether the temperature has been rising...