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    Bible relevations 12: woman clothed with sun

    Israel was grafted out. So the woman cannot be physical Israel.
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    Bible relevations 12: woman clothed with sun

    Actually, the church was the fulfillment of everything that Israel should have become. The 12 stars are the apostles. The woman is the bride of Christ. I would chose to see the spiritual fulfillment of all things in the Old Testament. The moon under her feet is the law, the lesser light, the...
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    Is God outside of time?

    Time is measured and is a finite quantity. Infinite means that it cannot be measured. There is not start or end to infinity.
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    Is God outside of time?

    Infinity is not a number. Infinity is an idea that no one understands.
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    Is God outside of time?

    The number 'forty' gets a workout in the scripture also.
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    Why not America

    But He did, the USA is home to millions of Jews.
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    The GAP Theory

    You are arguing against the observable evidence found all over the world. The evidence of fossils under the ice in Greenland. The earth has undergone climate change many, many, times in the past. Greenland was not always a frozen wasteland. Scientists have only discovered in the last hundred...
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    The GAP Theory

    You should be aware that fossils of whales have been found in the Sahara Desert. The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world, 9 million square km. Egypt is on the border of the Sahara Desert. When the pyramids were built the Sahara was a savannah, not a desert. The experts said...
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    The GAP Theory

    You need to examine the hard evidence that supports a very ancient earth. The evidence is overwhelming. Any interpretation of Genesis that is not supported by the visual evidence will be incorrect.
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    The GAP Theory

    Have you ever studied plate tectonics and continental drift. If you took the time to investigate plate tectonics you would see the chronology of Genesis 1 as epochs. Rather than simple days of the week.
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    The GAP Theory

    So you don't believe in continental drift? You do not believe that Africa and South America were not one continent?
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    The GAP Theory

    You realize that people fall away from the faith because they are taught the six day creation story. Then when they encounter scientific facts from many different subjects in science, regarding the age of the earth. They stumble and fall away. Salvation by grace through faith has nothing to do...
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    The GAP Theory

    There is a wild card in the deck. When God creates the universe, God is not creating the universe according to human timelines. God is eternal and God can create anyway and any time, He chooses to. The Genesis account is a summary that we can understand and a timeline that we can comprehend...
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    Loss of salvation???

    To understand the difference between good and evil is not hard to do. It is the application of the spiritual gifts and especially that of divine love. It's praying without ceasing, confessing Jesus, putting others first. Spending lot's of time with the broken, those with life's baggage...
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    Loss of salvation???

    Evil is what what humanity does throughout human history. Love for others is strangely absent in human history. I don't think we can really learn to love others. The human condition by default is deeply selfish. I can judge others easily and I am good at it. To love others, put them first...
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    Loss of salvation???

    I would define grace as God's unconditional love for us. Grace is so much more than just showing favor towards someone. Christ gave His life for you and that reconciliation given to us as a gift. Cannot be anything less than the highest form of love.
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    War between flesh and spirit

    A very good OP. Jesus left and the Holy Spirit arrived. The Christian life is all about being led by the Holy Spirit now. I don't think many understand the full implications of your opening post.
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    Loss of salvation???

    I agree with much of what you say. Though the Abrahamic Covenant had a lineage and that was specific. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the lineage of the promise. To be a member of the Abrahamic Covenant you had to be circumcised. To be a member of the Mosaic Covenant, once again, same entry...
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    Loss of salvation???

    Hello Genez. I was reading your post and I noticed the statement below. "their god is their stomach [emotions]" A much better translation of "stomach" would be the desires of the flesh. Rather than the 'stomach' is the seat of emotions.
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    Loss of salvation???

    Hello Pilgrimshope. When you say that Gentiles are not under the the old covenant. Obviously, your referring to the Mosaic Covenant since Gentiles cannot be physically circumcised. In addition, you must also include the Abrahamic Covenant for the same reason. Because Abraham was commanded to...