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  1. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    Daytona Beach in 1957 :cool:
  2. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    Good morning jennymae...glad it's warming a little for you :)
  3. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    ...and that was before they were classics
  4. BonnieClaire

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    Warm up on this Godsgirl...
  5. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    Don't worry, all that hot air from Global Whining should soon warm your bones ;)
  6. BonnieClaire

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    Heaven forbid!
  7. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    Yeah, someone should put a Kitty Curse on them rat fink possums for stealing cat food...they're illegal aliens anyway :eek:
  8. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    Be careful what's coming in your Kitty Door :eek:
  9. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    You're very welcome and may our Lord richly bless you
  10. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

  11. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    A Special Delivery . . .
  12. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    Proverbs 18:22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord. ~KJV but if you really Wanna Be Happy . . .
  13. BonnieClaire

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    bc Yeah but they already hate us just for being true Christians Luke 21:17 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake. ~KJV
  14. BonnieClaire

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  15. BonnieClaire

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    My guard dog . . .
  16. BonnieClaire

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  17. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    Good morning Ruby...I hope those are Dark Chocolate Covered Roasted Espresso Coffee Beans doing the drinking :) Psalm 118:24 This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. ~KJV
  18. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    Be my Valentine
  19. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    I think I'll keep you can see I have a waistline to maintain ;)
  20. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    Another tuff Saint Valentines Day ahead...what am I going to do with all that candy?