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  1. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    You don't need big ears, you already hear his voice... :) John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me ~KJV
  2. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    I hear you loud and clear :giggle:
  3. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    I thought for sure you guys would recognize my Nevada accent :giggle:
  4. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    So the unicorns missed the boat . . .
  5. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    Yeah that's granny Nan and grandpa Byron in the second pic...auntie Sarah and dearly departed uncle John in the first night night
  6. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    I love it because it's small and easy to keep clean ;)
  7. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    Yeah, all my relatives pose for pictures in front of it ;)
  8. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    I owe, I off to bed I go! Gotta pay for my little house
  9. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    ...and one for the Canadian Truckers
  10. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    Truth! No Jesus, no God...know Jesus, know God!
  11. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    Good morning's evening here in the USSA but I'll have a cup with you anytime. :)
  12. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    It's part of their God-given ability to avoid's how I avoid predators too :giggle:
  13. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    Back to bed for me...I've done enough damage for one night ;)
  14. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    Look closely Alpine Ibex on Cingino Dam in Italy
  15. BonnieClaire

    Jesus Afraid?

    As excruciatingly painful as dying on the cross is for any man, Jesus also had to bare our sins in his own body... 1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. ~KJV A...
  16. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    Onward Christian Soldiers . . . Paul Harvey Reading of Pastor Joe Wright's Invocation to the Kansas State Legislature Man, oh, man, they won't invite Pastor Joe to the Kansas State Legislature again. They...
  17. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    ...but unlike this one he's light enough to fly :giggle:
  18. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    Maybe, or maybe Super Cat
  19. BonnieClaire

    Speak Your Mind.

    This kitty was in a hurry...must have been time for morning coffee