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  1. BeeBlessed


    jumbo shrimp
  2. BeeBlessed

    Hasten, not Study, to Show yourself Approved

    Just seems to me that if we’re in love with Jesus, we would want to hear His story, which is woven throughout the Bible—from Genesis to Revelation.
  3. BeeBlessed

    Hasten, not Study, to Show yourself Approved

    This passage alone is enough for me to want to study—although there are many more. Here, Paul is speaking to Timothy: 2 Timothy 3:15-17 … from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is...
  4. BeeBlessed

    We are not yet in the New Covenant prophecied by Jeremiah and Ezekiel - that is the Millennial reign

    @ThyKingdomComeSoon …. If you are speaking to me, my remarks are specifically in reference to the word “irredeemable” which should never be used by a Christian to apply to ANYONE except Satan.
  5. BeeBlessed

    We are not yet in the New Covenant prophecied by Jeremiah and Ezekiel - that is the Millennial reign

    @DavidIsrael …. Your word choice (as exemplified above) is terrible, and it really says a lot about YOU. Do you even think before you post? Who gave you the authority to judge ANYONE irredeemable, especially a brother or sister in Christ? I wouldn’t judge YOU irredeemable, but a little...
  6. BeeBlessed

    We are not yet in the New Covenant prophecied by Jeremiah and Ezekiel - that is the Millennial reign

    Given your perspective, do you not find it ironic that God silenced the tongue of Zacharias, but not that of Elizabeth (Luke 1:20)? Long, long ago, Habakkuk wisely said, “I will stand my watch and set myself on the rampart, and watch to see what He will say to me, and what I will answer when...
  7. BeeBlessed

    We are not yet in the New Covenant prophecied by Jeremiah and Ezekiel - that is the Millennial reign

    Paul did not say that women should “shut up.” Do a little research.
  8. BeeBlessed

    The Glasgow razor boy and eternal security

    In Christ, my sins are forgiven and forgotten by the grace of God, by Father accepting the sacrifice of Christ on my behalf, by Christ claiming me as one of His own and pleading for mercy for me. My prayerful confessions, I believe, keep my relationship with my Father strong. Just the...
  9. BeeBlessed

    The Glasgow razor boy and eternal security

    John 5:24 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. Romans 8:1-4 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk...
  10. BeeBlessed

    Has anyone found secret messages in the bible?

    I can’t believe this thread is 55 pages long and still going. Hidden messages in the Bible? Well, there are examples to follow, types and situations that mirror what’s going on in the world today, prophesies fulfilled and yet to be fulfilled, symbolic poetry, and parables that only those with...
  11. BeeBlessed

    End times

    Sounds like you are baiting people. To what end? To provoke (the noun form of your word)? It seems to me that the definition of trolling applies more to you than to anyone else here. My understanding is that trolling applies to someone who posts or comments online to ‘bait’ people, which...
  12. BeeBlessed


    @selahsays …. Great observation of what a master teacher Jesus was! Mark 9:2 is like the synopsis of a field trip, where Jesus showed His disciples what His second coming would be like. We have only to read a little of the previous chapter in Mark to see that they didn’t understand even the...
  13. BeeBlessed

    Word Association

  14. BeeBlessed

    Word Association

  15. BeeBlessed

    Led by the Spirit

    Thank you for the gentle reproof. However, I just want to remind us all that God is never limited in the way He speaks to us. Hebrews 1: 1-2 NKJV 1 God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, 2 has in these last days spoken to us by His...
  16. BeeBlessed

    Led by the Spirit

    B There may not be a Bible verse to go by in every situation, but there is a way of life to live by in every situation—so that even if we make a wrong decision sometimes, God has a way of working the situation out for our good or for the good of someone else. His purpose cannot be messed up...
  17. BeeBlessed

    Led by the Spirit

    I have experienced that “still, small voice” many times—not as an audible sound, but as something far less strange and far more comforting. In my own experience, the “still, small voice” comes in the form of recollection of the Holy Spirit inspired words of scripture, in the lyrics of a song...
  18. BeeBlessed

    Random game.

  19. BeeBlessed

    Does God Know From All Eternity Who Will Die Having Rejected Sound Doctrine?

    The word “according” does not change the fact that our Father knew us before we were even born. What the word “according” teaches us is that God’s purpose and His plan to carry it out predated our physical being. I haven’t added a single thing to the scripture. I professed my faith in Christ...