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  1. star

    Not By Works

    You are suggesting I'm "new age religion" yet the views you express are likely such. I have no religion but am a Christ Follower. And the comment OSAS requires no baptism is a false statement you make. You have no power to "maintain" what God has given and Christ has provided and the Holy...
  2. star

    Not By Works

    Well I will leave you and your "religious" view between you and God. My prayer is that He will open up your heart and mind to come to an understanding of what His Plan of Salvation is all about. If anyone has a "new age" view of God and His plan of redemption, it seems to be you.
  3. star

    Not By Works

    I truly am sad that you believe such. There is no work, nothing absolutely nothing you as a human being can do to "save, maintain your soul. " It's not about what we can do but what God has "done" for us.
  4. star

    Not By Works

    OSAS is simply a short explanation for the fact that God provided a way for all we sinners to come to Him and be cleansed from our sins, to be clothed in His Righteousness in order for us to even be in His presence, to live with Him for all eternity, for us to be sealed with His Holy Spirit in...
  5. star

    Not By Works

    Folks, I too have a prayer request for all of you. I was diagnosed with breast cancer last Friday. In 2006 I lost my right kidney to cancer. God saved me from that and I pray it is His will to save me from this. I've still got a lot of "talking, singing, dancing, disciplining to do. So any...
  6. star

    Not By Works

    You will be in my prayers. May the Lord ease your pain or totally remove it. May He also remove the damage from that stroke. Keep thinking positive.
  7. star

    Not By Works

    Well only God Almighty knows the "state" of the heart of anyone who can believe they can lose eternal salvation but it is my firm belief that no one can even attempt to "undo" what the Lord has done. That would come under the classification of "lack of faith, works."
  8. star

    Not By Works

    No human can undo any "thing" which God Almighty has accomplished, sealed. To even believe such shows absolutely a lack of confidence in the Power of God.
  9. star

    Not By Works

    Choice to choose yes. Choice to lose absolutely no way can we lose what Jesus Christ our Lord and the Holy Spirit of God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth has sealed us with.
  10. star

    Not By Works

    There is only one way to heaven and that is through Jesus the Christ. He that is able to save our souls is also able to keep what He has saved. If we are incapable to save ourselves, we are as well incapable to Keep our Salvation.
  11. star

    Not By Works

    The Holy Spirit cannot "get lost" once someone becomes a believer. The HS "seals" that believer for eternity. As long as we live on earth in the flesh, we will have spiritual warfare within. Sometimes we will "fail" to "heed" the HS but that does not in any way mean we are lost salvation...
  12. star

    Not By Works

    Sir, if I were you, I'd look at your own judgments of others and consider how they must be challenged to your "attacks" upon them. OSAS is not as you present it. It is not condemned by the Word of God. "For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son" "whomever believes in Jesus will...
  13. star

    Not By Works

    He loves to use that word "snowflake" but I'm not bothered by it. I'm more concern about his lack of understanding how salvation works.
  14. star

    Not By Works

    You do not understand eternal salvation if you believe you can lose it. That's a statement. You were condescending in your whole paragraphed response to me. As for being a snowflake, you have no idea how strong I am.
  15. star

    Not By Works

    No one I know believes, if they are saved and a new creature, they can live in sin and receive God's favor. Those christians I know work for the spread of the Good News and to help others.
  16. star

    Not By Works

    I actually feel sad for those who believe they can lose their salvation. How can they have any hope and peace about their eternal destination?
  17. star

    Not By Works

    Please refrain from being condescending to me. You sir do not own the only key to God nor Love. You either do not "understand" Seal" by the HS or you are to busy "judging" those who believe in the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ to wash away our sins, past, present, future. You seem to...
  18. star

    Not By Works

    As for christian "obligation" how does that fit in with OSAS sealed by the Holy Spirit? We Christians seek to find ways to do good for those less fortunate in this world, pray for those sick and suffering and lend a hand in any way we can. I don't call that an "obligation" but I call that a...
  19. star

    Not By Works

    So if "sealed by the Holy Spirit" means it cannot be broken (and I believe this) how in the world can we OSAS people possibly lose our salvation? We have the Holy Spirit to help us and when our fleshly side takes over, doesn't the Holy Spirit convict us? He has sealed us and is with us so how...
  20. star

    Not By Works

    Miss DC so much. No matter how gruff, brazen he was, he still spoke TRUTH.