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  1. star

    Not By Works

    Nope phoneman sees only the flaws of others and acts as though he sits on the ultimate throne of judgment.
  2. star

    Not By Works

    Salvation is for all who will "accept the offer from Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." The offer is there but the "choice" is ours.
  3. star

    Not By Works

    You preach to us that "self" has to "hold onto salvation" and you preach that those of us who believe in God's work and the work of the Holy Spirit from God who has "sealed us for eternity are following a "satanic" doctrine. Salvation is without "condition" because it is a gift from God to His...
  4. star

    Not By Works

    The only Satanic doctrine being floated in this thread is the doctrine of "works" including following Mose's laws, living a sinless life, calling God's Work unsustainable, depending on one's self to keep, hold onto salvation. Calling those of us who actually believe God's Holy Spirit who...
  5. star

    Not By Works

    Salvation has nothing to do with "conditional" as it is a free gift we are offered and blessed with and as undeserving as we all are, it's a gift given from the God of Love. You are so mixed up in my personal opinion about the whole salvation, Christ like living, etc.
  6. star

    Not By Works

    Blah, Blah, Blah nonsense is all you post. What you think, how you act is shown to the rest of us by "what you say." Satan doesn't "pass you by" Mr. as you speak falseness about those of us who actually find comfort and assurance of our salvation. As for leading a "sinless" life, your words...
  7. star

    Not By Works

    There is only ONE sin which will not be forgiven. The sin of "unbelief" yet you twist your own version of that as well. You do not live a sinless life no matter how you portray yourself in this group. There is the sin of judging others which you seem pretty good at on here. You say you...
  8. star

    Not By Works

    Everything you say above is false. Salvation once and for all does not have the word "license" in it. That is a made up theology by those of you who believe you have to work to earn, keep salvation.
  9. star

    Not By Works

    We do not have to "perform" for God's love. We are his creation. He is Love.
  10. star

    Not By Works

    John 3:16 16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
  11. star

    Not By Works

    Romans 5:8 8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
  12. star

    Not By Works

    Psalm 103 NIV 103 1 Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. 2 Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits- 3 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, 4 who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, 5 who...
  13. star

    Not By Works

    It isn't "my" wishy-washy gospel. I read, discern the "Gospel of God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth." I believe His promise of eternal life through salvation by, through and because of Jesus Christ Savior of the world.
  14. star

    Not By Works

    What a distortion of the Word of God as well as a distortion of the Law of Moses. You speak of "fornication, sex with your neighbor's wife, etc" a lot. Are you speaking from experience or word of mouth.
  15. star

    Not By Works

    Obey yes. Is it possible to obey, every day, every night, every week, etc? NO. Anyone who says they have no sin is a liar. Jesus Christ is our propitiation for the fleshly sinful nature we still possess and are at war with constantly.
  16. star

    Not By Works

    First there was the law of Moses given by God to His people Israel. Everyone knows what happened there. Then our Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, in His infinite mercy saw the Law of Moses was impossible to keep because of our sinful flesh. Through God's infinite love for His...
  17. star

    Not By Works

    lololol....Echo chamber sir is where you are at. BTW, how many people have you brought to the knowledge of Jesus through your "compassion, love of fellowman, showing the love of Jesus, speaking with kindness, etc" I would still like to know if you failed any commandments yesterday, day before...
  18. star

    Not By Works

    He never answered your question.
  19. star

    Not By Works

    He does a whole lot of judging about the hearts of believers. Seems as though he fully believes he alone has the answers to salvation, discipleship, how to keep the law, etc. According to him, the rest of us are alone in the dark.
  20. star

    Not By Works

    Praise God maker of heaven and earth who is able to keep that which He has sealed unto that day.