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  1. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    There's every reason to believe exactly that - because that's exactly what the Bible tells us. God said, Let there be... and there was. And it even lists the day on which He did each thing. Yes, nothing is impossible for God. But since God specifically told us through Moses how He created...
  2. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    That's the crux of the matter. I assert that there is ZERO scientific data to even hint at the possibility that our world is older than 6000 years. After all, what would that data even look like? How could you possibly prove me wrong? Which is just another way of asking how anybody could...
  3. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    So the same people who rejected Jesus and had him killed also rejected the Book of Enoch as scripture? Hmm... I find it fascinating - and consider it scripture. Jude also apparently considered it scripture when he directly quoted it. It's okay that you don't.
  4. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    How many discussions have you had with someone concerning the "relevancy" of the perspective of those who watched Jesus ascend? I can't remember ever telling someone, "Now when you read about Jesus ascending, pay very close attention to the position of the witnesses and their perspective...
  5. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Why do you think it is relevant, Dino? Jesus' disciples watched him ascend into the clouds. Was their perspective relevant to whether he actually ascended?
  6. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    The sun. Go on.
  7. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    They were all men observing lights in the sky (or their effects) from the earth. Go on.
  8. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    How do you know that, Gideon? I mean really KNOW that for an undeniable and unequivocal fact?
  9. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Agreed, but you can look at every instance of "was" in the Bible and change it to "became" if you wanted to. "Was" is just the past tense of the verb "to be/exist". Try it. Search the word "was" (Hebrew hāyâ ) in Blue Letter Bible, and go through all the verses. You'll see that any of them...
  10. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    No, but I've read about it and seen pictures of it. It looks very cool, and I'd love to go there sometime. Have you been there?
  11. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Please elaborate. For example... Exodus 20:11... For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Does the Hebrew of Ex 20:11 mean something other than the NIV translation I've quoted above? Please enlighten me...
  12. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    It already has. We just need to know where to look. Organizations like "Answers in Genesis", "Creation Ministries International", and "Institute for Creation Research" all have top-notch scientists who explain how what we observe is actually much better explained by a 6000 year old earth than...
  13. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    For what purpose? Why would God create a shiny new earth just to supernaturally age it so that it appears as if it is really billions of years old instead? Also, since there is nothing within the realm of science that actually indicates billions of years like we've been told, it is a...
  14. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Okay... I'm listening and willing to learn and be corrected. Ecclesiastes 1:5... The sun comes forth, and the sun goes in, and hastens to the place from which it came forth. Psalm 19:6... [the sun] comes forth from one end of the heaven and runs its circuit to the other... Joshua 10:12...
  15. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    That is the most likely explanation based on the scientific data. 👍
  16. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Well said.
  17. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Agreed. Mostly literal - especially the historic accounts. But I assert that it is NOT possible to reconcile the Biblical earth with Scientism's old earth. Give me the basic gist of the reconciliation you are talking about if you don't mind. Thanks
  18. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Are you going to actively participate in this discussion, Magenta? Or are you happy just taking pot shots from the distance, hoping to catch someone off guard with a "gotcha"? Look again at the Hebrew words. David clearly mentions a tent... AND a chamber. Look up the Strong's definitions for...
  19. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    The Bible is clear that the earth is flat and stationary with a domed vault over it like a tent, in which the sun, moon, and stars run their God-appointed circuits over the face of the earth. It's not a secret that the Bible teaches this, Dino. So I don't know why you'd try to eliminate...
  20. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    I merely pointed out the correct Hebrew terminology, and noted that it is interesting that "come in" and "go out" is how sunrise and sunset are described in the OT, especially when combined with David saying the sun rushes out of its chamber, and Enoch saying the sun comes into and goes out of...