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  1. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Agreed. The actual fossil evidence is as follows: Billions of dead things buried in sediments that were laid down very rapidly by water - all over the world. Sounds like a worldwide flood to me. Interesting that for two centuries, the "expert" geologists bent over backwards to downplay any...
  2. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Great post! This time I INTENTIONALLY gave you a thumbs up emoji. 😉
  3. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    If it is to be a literal cube, would everyone on all six faces of the cube be able see the tree of life from their location?
  4. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Great posts! I too refute it because the Bible is my ultimate authority, and the Bible refutes it. It's great to meet another Biblical creationist. Genesis 1:6-8... And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made...
  5. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    How exactly do we "date" a civilization to over 25,000 years old, lake formation to 12,000 years, and the earth at billions of years? Do you know the methods used? Are there any flaws in those methods? Do they require any assumptions about things we couldn't possibly know for sure?
  6. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Yes. There were 3 days before the creation of the sun, moon, and stars. As I pointed out above, a "day" is a light/dark cycle on earth. On day 4 of creation, God created the sun to govern the day and the moon to govern the night. These are not the cause of the day and the night. Nor are...
  7. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    The Bible says that God made the earth on day 3, and the sun, moon, and stars on day 4. Scientism says billions of suns/stars existed for billions of years before the earth came into existence. Please explain to me how it is "logically possible" for both accounts to be true.
  8. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Glad to see you're still following along. 👍
  9. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    What the freak? In light of the evidence, let me rephrase: "I didn't INTENTIONALLY put any reaction on your post." Nor would I have chosen a sad face. Nor would I have posted the reaction and then lied about doing so. But it seems clear that the reaction came from my account/device, and so I...
  10. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    I didn't put any reaction on your post. And I can only assume that the "Disagree" and the "Sad" were put there by people who know you're wrong. Having or owing 10,000 talents is not a physical impossibility. Some commentators assume from the large debt that the servant in Jesus' parable was a...
  11. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Give me a scriptural example. Ad hominem that adds nothing to the discussion. Do better.
  12. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Of course it does. Let me show you... 1. The very concept and word "day" (Hebrew yowm) was created by God. It refers to a single light/dark cycle on earth - an ongoing 24-hour cycle that God established on the very first day. 2. Any time the word "day" is accompanied by a number or by...
  13. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    What do you mean? You act as if the two statements I made contradict each other. They don't. 1. "Nothing is impossible for God" is a true statement. 2. "It is NOT consistent with any evidence in the entire realm of science to theorize billions of years" is also a true statement. There are...
  14. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    You opted out of this discussion of your own free will, right? I can only assume by your comment that you have decided to join back into the discussion. Great! I have only been parroting what the Bible actually says. Since you have clearly implied that this means I'm of some "Religious...
  15. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    I think the words, "God said let there be... and there was" are pretty straightforward. Of course there are other scriptures outside of Genesis too, such as... Psalm 33:6-9... By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of His mouth... He spoke, and it was...
  16. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Both are impossible on a ball. On a flat earth, it is certainly possible for a tree or a mountain to be sufficiently tall that it can be seen from everywhere. It'd be the same if the earth was a cube. God wouldn't give a dream about a tree being so tall that everyone living on all sides of...
  17. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    It seems to me that you are so afraid of somehow being "trapped" in your beliefs that you are unable to answer simple questions about the Bible. Notice that all four of your replies above aren't actually replies to things I've asked or claimed, but are instead what I'd call "rescue devices" -...
  18. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    And you don't see a difference between a dream that is metaphorical (like a man being a tall tree) and a dream that is completely impossible (like a tree being tall enough to be seen by everyone everywhere on a ball)? Besides, there is no scriptural indication that Jesus' account of Satan...
  19. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Do you believe that God has a throne in heaven that is surrounded by the thrones of 24 elders and four living creatures with a bunch of eyes? (Rev 4:4) Why would you say that? These men built the tower of Babel that reached to heaven, and later the pyramids and Stonehenge - while...
  20. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Hi Gideon. The flood of Noah's day didn't destroy light, the heaven, the sun, moon and stars, or even the fish of the sea. Why do you suppose these things had to be created again after the "pre-Adamic flood"?