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    How did you accomplish changing yourself with Gods help?

    We're constantly being molded by our creator...But I'm having a rather hard time with it. Tell me about your story, or a specific situation that changed your outlook. Last night my friend and I were having a good discussion about our faults. She pointed out mine, I pointed out hers. Although it...

    Expensive car work - Pray the mechanics do a good job.

    Pray the mechanics do a good job on all my car work being done today. Thank you!!!! <3

    Younger boy in Juvie

    We don't know his name, but he's getting out of the juvenile delinquent center soon. Pray God softens his heart against anger and taking it out on others. Please pray his parents or whoever has taken care of him starts to shape up and stops abusing him. Last but not least pray that he is willing...

    Grandmother - to have a strong and sound mind. to make the right decision.

    My Grandmother is housing a lot of family members with problems, and for the first time ever she is deciding to give them time frames to leave the house. These family members have been mooching off her for a very long time, and treating her badly. So just a few days ago, she decided that enough...

    Practical test - Manual muscle testing (next monday)

    Must pass this test <3 THANK YOU!!!!!!!! Oh, also for my test this wednesday 11/06


    Okay, so my mom has the stomach flu, and I'm an Emetophobic (scared of vomiting). So I've been crying for the past 5 hours and I pray that my brother and I don't get sick. Mom is already okay by the way, she's feeling fine <3 Thank you~

    If you saw Jesus walking around in town....

    Knowing who He is, would you have the guts to go up and talk to Him? If so what would you say/do? I don't think I'd have the guts to be within 100 feet of Him. I'd be too ashamed, LOL

    My aunt Amy becoming a Jehovas witness

    She and her family are on the brink of not believing in Christ who died on the cross. Thank you for the prayer <3

    Exam practical tomorrow - Goniometry

    please pray for my Goniometry exam practical tomorrow that I HAVE to pass. And for GOOD sleep tonight. Thank you so much!

    My Chinese teacher Mr. Yin Salvation & Stroke

    My high school teacher Mr. Yin Had a stroke recently, a year ago he was in a bad car accident too. I think he's around his late 60's but he was my most favorite teacher ever! he was incredibly sweet to all his students and I thought of him as a sort of father figure growing up. Please pray that...

    Ciara's ovarian cancer possibility

    Please pray that my friend Ciara doesn't have Ovarian Cancer. She has numerous cysts on her ovaries and they are trying to figure out what's wrong. She's scared especially since her own mom died of cancer. thank you!

    FAILED critical Exam

    I just failed a critical practical (Exam) today....going to have to re-do it on Friday. I'm not a happy camper at the moment, actually I'm quite literally very pissed off because I know I got wrongly marked off. I pray blessings on the teacher that failed me - even though I don't really want to...

    First day of PT school tomorrow, anxiety.

    Just a quick prayer for relief of Anxiety Thanks everyone <3 ps. PT stands for Physical Therapy

    College Professor......

    Pretend to sleep, it distracts them from what they are saying and eventually they get bored and go back to lecturing about the REAL class topic. OR, you could make a face like this every so often. So he kicks you out of class and you won't have to hear it anymore! and i'm actually not...

    Do you ever pray for your future husband or guys do you pray for your future wife?

    Also, heck ain't a bad word. I even looked it up. SO DON'T EVEN TRY IT.

    New Christians

    A prayer for new Christians everywhere. Also for my cousin who is a new Christian. Kara and for my uncle Ron ;D Pray that they don't succumb to the temptations and whispers of Satan. Thank you~

    Needed a job yesterday...

    Just do what I did, live in the backyard at night when no-one is looking. LOL. I got kicked out several times from ages 13-15. But I'm back home and I came to realize that disobeying/fighting/overall-hellish attitudes with your parents don't get you anywhere. I stopped being lazy and started...

    Friend who won't come out of her house.

    I have a church friend, she is around 17 and suffers from anxiety - to the point where she vomits when having to leave the house. Her name is Aeslyn. Her younger sister is now also showing anxiety like this. Thank you for the much needed prayer!

    Thank you for the prayer!!!!! I GOT IN!!!!

    A few months ago I came on here and asked for prayer regarding acceptance into the Physical Therapy assistant program. The one that only accepts 30 people a year. Thank you all for the prayers~ God IS good and allowed me to pursue this career. THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3


    Is anyone here a cyclist? I've really been wanting to do this for a few years now, but not exactly sure how. I ride a dopey little hybrid regularly. I've been looking things up and researching: groups, equipment, bikes, training. Just curious if there are any christian cyclists on here. Tips...