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  1. ChosenbyHim

    The phony evangelism of Calvinism

    The phony evangelism of Calvinism Published on Jul 21, 2014 In this video I look at the phony evangelism of Calvinism. Calvinist's make exhortations and appeals to the unsaved man to be saved when they believe that decision has...
  2. ChosenbyHim

    Testimonies of Young People and Christian Rock: "By their fruits ye shall know them..

    Testimonies of Young People and Christian Rock: "By their fruits ye shall know them.. Testimonies of Young People and Christian Rock "By their fruits ye shall know them..." From Dial The Truth Ministries ( "I was following the Lord wholeheartedly until we switched churches...
  3. ChosenbyHim

    Starting the Bible

    Yes they are. Get yourself a copy of this book by Dean Burgon: Causes of Corruption of the New Testament Text Also, both the Vaticanus and Siniaticus are corrupt because of where they come from. Both of these corrupt manuscripts can be traced back to Origen and his heresies (corrupt...
  4. ChosenbyHim

    Starting the Bible

    Heartbrokernandhoping, here are some informative photos that say volumes concerning the Bible Version Issue that will be very helpful.
  5. ChosenbyHim

    Battle Cry of Chick Publications: Christian Media Pushing Ecumenism

    "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16 Christian Media Pushing Ecumenism Issue Date: July/August 2014 The pope’s PR mill is working overtime to advance the unity theme. Christianity Today has a recent article using a play-on-words to sell the word...
  6. ChosenbyHim

    What Is A Christian's Responsibility To Their Family?

    What Is A Christian's Responsibility To Their Family?
  7. ChosenbyHim

    How To Become A Saint According To The KJV Part 1

    How To Become A Saint According To The KJV Part 1 Teaching by Bryan Denlinger
  8. ChosenbyHim

    Starting the Bible

    The proper word Is Law. The Hebrew word for Law is Torah. Also, the modern translations are based on a totally different Greek text than the King James Bible is based upon. The modern translations are based on the corrupt and vile Vaticanus and Siniaticus. While the King James Bible is based...
  9. ChosenbyHim

    Fornication With The Great Whore Part I (Revelation 17:1-2)

    Fornication With The Great Whore Part I (Revelation 17:1-2)
  10. ChosenbyHim

    Atheist "Christian" rocker tries to murder his wife!

    Atheist "Christian" rocker tries to murder his wife! Jul 3, 2014 Titus 1:16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.
  11. ChosenbyHim

    Give me that Old Time Religion, I'm tired of the new stuff! - By David R. Watkins

    by David R. Watkins, Pastor, Liberty Baptist Church, Attalla, AL This tract is written in protest of the modern day, passive, sissy-fied, and noodle for backbone, watered down religion. People claim the name of Christianity without being Christian at all. The word Christian means to follow...
  12. ChosenbyHim

    The Most Hated Man In History: Open-Air Preaching

    The Most Hated Man In History: Open-Air Preaching Published on June 22, 2014 Leeds saw Patrick and James end their almost month-long outreach, which saw our dear friends from Singapore join us on the streets of the UK distributing over 7000...
  13. ChosenbyHim

    New Church In Dominican Republic After Saturation with Chick Tracts

    New Church In Dominican Republic After Saturation with Chick Tracts Donations to our Missions Fund continue to pour in as many of you are helping provide free tracts to missionaries worldwide. We feel a great responsibility to use your donations effectively and to keep you updated on the...
  14. ChosenbyHim

    Amust read and why we need the King James

    And for those of you who plan on reading James White's book, I strongly recommend that you also read this book by Peter S. Ruckman: This book by Peter Ruckman refutes James White's book. Also, I encourage you to watch this video below where Ed Pfenninger exposes James White's lies and...
  15. ChosenbyHim

    It's Just a Book? - By Seminole String Band

    It's Just a Book? By Seminole String Band Powerful Song!
  16. ChosenbyHim

    Car Magnet On-the-Road Outreach

    Car Magnet On-the-Road Outreach
  17. ChosenbyHim

    A PreTrib Rapture In Jeremiah 8?

    A PreTrib Rapture In Jeremiah 8? - Teaching by Bryan Denlinger
  18. ChosenbyHim

    New CD by Seminole String Band: - "A Little Piece of Truth"

    New CD by Seminole String Band: - "A Little Piece of Truth"
  19. ChosenbyHim

    Mark of the Bass?

    Mark of the Bass?
  20. ChosenbyHim

    13 Reasons Every Christian MUST Reject The Mass Part 1 & 2

    13 Reasons Every Christian MUST Reject The Mass Part 1