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  1. G

    Remember Lot's Wife

    hers was not just a simple curiosity concerning the destruction of Sodom.I think that she was longing for her old way of life. However,she did disobey God by looking back. Gog had severe ways of dealing with people in the Old Testament days. "God is good,all the time" wasnt a theme they oft...
  2. G

    Why does 1 Timothy 4:10 say that Jesus is the "savior of ALL people"?

    we need not complicate the obvious. Jesus died so that all who believe in Him may have eternal life,Jew, Gentile,or whosoever shall
  3. G

    Food for thought

    Heres some food for thought: How can a brown cow eat green grass,give white milk and yellow butter? Lol
  4. G

    Can Correct Doctrine be Found

    well,that depends. If you go to a Baptist church, you will hear Baptist doctrine. Go to a Mennonite church,you will hear their doctrine.My advice is to study your entire Bible,and let the Bible interpret itself without and human intervention
  5. G

    Do You Believe the Whole Holy Bible is True?

    I have encountered many professing Christians,as well as a pastor or two, who does not believe the whole Bible. His is a valid question
  6. G

    Hell's Population Clock

    those who have chosen to obey our Lords commands are entering through the narrow gate. How many people in the world today do you see who are doing that?
  7. G

    The Ultimate Mystery in the Bible

    Number 7 is interesting. The House of Israel,or the Northern Kingdom, was largely absorbed by Assyria . Ephraim and Manassah were grandchildren of the Egyptian priest of the sun.As for the Kingdom of Judah,their land was occupied by the Chaldeans during , and after,the Captivity.The term Lost...
  8. G

    Doctrine of Unconditional Election

    I studied Calvanistic election for many years. I was on the fence,you see. Its an interesting subject,but I still dont think I accept it.However,there is no denying the Apostle Paul was not looking for salvation in Christ when our Lord struck him with blindness.
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    High Priest Caiaphas

    the same way people dismiss Jesus today. Caiaphas had more faith in himself than he did in the Son of God
  10. G

    Beware of online ministries

    Televangelists and preachers have done a good job of leading people astray.Many false teachers are in the world
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    Why do I get so angry?

    at one time many years ago I had anger issues and a hot temper. Then one day something happened that made life very precious to me.
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    New Guy

    I`ve been studying the Bible since 1976 when a co worker led me to Christ. Currently doing a study on the Nephilim/ Rephaim. Former Sunday School teacher. Greetings to all.
  13. G

    Recuperating from knee injury due to excessive hiking. I am also an active ham radio operator

    Recuperating from knee injury due to excessive hiking. I am also an active ham radio operator