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  1. ChosenbyHim

    Biblical Eternal Security vs 'Calvinistic Eternal Security' -by Gregg Jackson

    Good question, 2ndTimothygroup. The truth is, if a Christian walks after the flesh long enough, they will be controlled by their sinful nature and they could put themselves back under the dominion and control of Satan. The only way we can overcome our sinful nature in this life is by walking...
  2. ChosenbyHim

    Biblical Eternal Security vs 'Calvinistic Eternal Security' -by Gregg Jackson

    Good post by Brother Gregg Jackson on the subject of Biblical Eternal Security vs 'Calvinistic Eternal Security' "Calvinists all claim to believe in eternal security (OSAS) & teach you can't lose your salvation IF you "truly believed" which of course is (according to them) determined by your...
  3. ChosenbyHim

    Hypergrace Mockers

    Well brother, whosoever had made that statement is wrong. Because we certainly can feel and sense that our Heavenly Father is displeased with our conduct when we are sinning. Absolutely 1 John 1:9 is part of the Christian walk and life. Yet though, there are Christians out there who may not...
  4. ChosenbyHim

    Hypergrace Mockers

    p_rehbein, if I meet a person who is in sin. And find out he is even involved with other sins of the flesh. I do not automatically judge him as lost. But I do ask him if there was ever a time where he came under conviction as a sinner, and chose to place his faith and trust in Jesus Christ and...
  5. ChosenbyHim

    Hypergrace Mockers

    Well Said.
  6. ChosenbyHim

    Hypergrace Mockers

    We as believer's do not have a license to sin. We have God's grace so that we can live holy and walk in newness of life.
  7. ChosenbyHim

    Hypergrace Mockers

    Amen, our works in no wise affect our salvation. After Salvation, our works earn us rewards, if they are done in the Spirit.
  8. ChosenbyHim

    Hypergrace Mockers

    Phil36, we understand that we don’t have a license to live in sin. Yet though, whether a person has a license or no license, they are going to sin if that’s what they choose to do. And yes, living in sin as a believer will bring about the chastisement of our Heavenly Father and the loss of...
  9. ChosenbyHim

    Mormonism's Impossible gospel - Keith Walker

    Thank you sir for your comment. While I understand where you are coming from, I still believe that brother Keith Walker's approach is very affective also. There is power in the Scriptures. And using the law as a school master to bring men unto Christ is Scriptural. And certainly, an evangelist...
  10. ChosenbyHim

    Hypergrace Mockers

    Well, once we are saved, we certainly should follow Jesus Christ and obey His holy word. Discipleship is to come after Salvation. Salvation is God knowing us. And Discipleship is us knowing God.
  11. ChosenbyHim

    Hypergrace Mockers

    Actually, the last statement you made, sir, would fall under universalism. I don't teach universalism. One must repent toward God and place their faith in Jesus Christ in order to be saved.
  12. ChosenbyHim

    Mormonism's Impossible gospel - Keith Walker

    False Religions and Cults have always taught a works based salvation. But then there are cults which are a bit more subtil in how they do it. Mormonism is one of those cults. And Mormons are so subtil and deceptive in how they operate and teach, that Christians have had to write articles...
  13. ChosenbyHim

    Why The Fruit Inspectors Get It Wrong - by Pastor Ralph Arnold

    Sir, Free Grace theology is sound Biblical Doctrine. It teaches us that Salvation is by Grace alone through Faith alone in Christ Alone.
  14. ChosenbyHim

    Why The Fruit Inspectors Get It Wrong - by Pastor Ralph Arnold

    There are others who agree with me. We are known as the Free Grace group of believers. And this man and great teacher, Ralph Yankee Arnold also agrees with me.
  15. ChosenbyHim

    Why The Fruit Inspectors Get It Wrong - by Pastor Ralph Arnold

    Very true, brother. One can never know who exactly will persevere in the faith. The only guarantee that I can make to any Christian is that if they will choose to continue to walk in the Spirit, then they will keep persevering in the faith. That is AS LONG as they keep walking in the Spirit...
  16. ChosenbyHim

    Hypergrace Mockers

    Hypergrace and Easy Believism Mockers This teacher makes some valid points. Although there is an exception though. There are saved people, who also sadly, mock hyper grace. There are born again Christians who do fall into a works based salvation heresy, and start to mock hyper grace (aka Easy...
  17. ChosenbyHim

    Why The Fruit Inspectors Get It Wrong - by Pastor Ralph Arnold

    Indeed, when people try to put themselves back under the law, or when they ascribe unto Lordship Salvation, whether it is the Arminian view or Calvinistic view, they are probably more prone to sin.
  18. ChosenbyHim

    Why The Fruit Inspectors Get It Wrong - by Pastor Ralph Arnold

    It is not false doctrine, Scribe. It is the truth. Anyone of us could backslide and turn away from the Faith. If we do not walk in the Spirit and in the word. Well then, we will be walking in the flesh, and there is danger whenever a child of God, walks in the flesh.
  19. ChosenbyHim

    Back-loading Works into the Gospel:

    Thank you brother! I appreciate the compliment. These kind of posts are good to help get people seriously thinking about how they view the Gospel of Grace and Salvation.
  20. ChosenbyHim

    Difficult passages (2 Cor. 5:17) If any man be In Christ, he is a new creature - by Yankee Arnold

    Difficult passages(2 Cor. 5:17) If any man be In Christ, he is a new creature - Pastor Ralph Arnold 2 Corinthians 5:17 is a verse commonly misunderstood, and this is due to not rightly dividing between the two natures (Old Man) and (New Man). Too many times, Christians have made the judgment...