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  1. ChosenbyHim

    2.Pe.1:9 shows that a Christian may not live a changed life!

    Hello and greetings there Justin. Thank you for your input and reply. I absolutely agree with those verses that you shared. For that is the word of God, the blessed King James Bible. Understand though, brother Justin, that those verses you shared with me (Heb. 10:10 and Heb. 10:14) are not...
  2. ChosenbyHim

    Must a Christian Live a Changed Life? - Teaching by brother Ed Pfenninger

    Thank you sister, I appreciate that! I actually usually format my paragraphs like that. Just was not thinking of it at the time when I posted this. Thank you again though, for making this adjustment!
  3. ChosenbyHim

    2.Pe.1:9 shows that a Christian may not live a changed life!

    2.Pe.1:9 shows that a Christian may not live a changed life! This is another good teaching of Brother Ed's, dealing with the Doctrine of the Christian Walk and progressive Sanctification. In this teaching, the focus is on the fact that Christian growth, change and transformation are all...
  4. ChosenbyHim

    Must a Christian Live a Changed Life? - Teaching by brother Ed Pfenninger

    Must a Christian Live a Changed Life? - Teaching by brother Ed Pfenninger Description: This is another good video dealing with the issue of the Christian walk. Definitely from a few years back, but it deals still with an essential issue, Progressive Sanctification and the Christian's free will...
  5. ChosenbyHim

    Steven Anderson is wrong - Sodomites can still be saved.

    A Sinner cannot repent of or turn from his personal sins, because he is spiritually dead in them. A lost sinner cannot turn away from his sins because he is dead in Adam, and he only has one Nature. Only a born again Christian can repent of and turn from his sins, since the Christian has two...
  6. ChosenbyHim

    Steven Anderson is wrong - Sodomites can still be saved.

    No, I am not, Dino. Repentance does precede faith. But it is not Repentance of Sins. Repentance of Sins only comes after Salvation.
  7. ChosenbyHim

    Steven Anderson is wrong - Sodomites can still be saved.

    Faith comes by the hearing of the word of God. That will include any faithful and accurate translation that is based on the King James Bible text. Or at least the underlying Hebrew and Greet Texts of the King James Bible. The modern translations such as the NIV, ESV, NLT, Mess, CEV, etc. are not...
  8. ChosenbyHim

    Steven Anderson is wrong - Sodomites can still be saved.

    Yes, Dino. Repentance does precede Faith. But before Salvation, the sinner is not repenting of his individual sins. But rather, the lost sinner is repenting of his unbelief. It is Repentance of unbelief and then Faith in the Gospel. And then after Salvation, it is Repentance of one's personal sins.
  9. ChosenbyHim

    Steven Anderson is wrong - Sodomites can still be saved.

    It is of Faith, Dino. Because Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. And the King James Bible is the word of God.
  10. ChosenbyHim

    Steven Anderson is wrong - Sodomites can still be saved.

    How a person lives his life is not an issue before Salvation. You are confusing Discipleship with Salvation. A person becomes born again by believing on Jesus Christ and trusting In His Finished Work Alone for his Salvation. Then after he is saved and born again, he will need to consider if he...
  11. ChosenbyHim

    Steven Anderson is wrong - Sodomites can still be saved.

    No it is not. Repentance of Sins (Turning From Sins) before salvation, is works. If a Sodomite has to repent and turn away from his Sodomy before God will save him, then that Sodomite also must repent of his laziness, over eating, bitterness, jealousy, and every other sin he has been guilty of...
  12. ChosenbyHim

    Steven Anderson is wrong - Sodomites can still be saved.

    It isn't idolatry, Dino. It is Faith to believe God's perfect and infallible word, sir.
  13. ChosenbyHim

    Steven Anderson is wrong - Sodomites can still be saved.

    brother Matt, Yes any sinner, including Sodomites and Lesbians can be saved. The only thing to keep in mind and remember is that a Sodomite is not required to turn away from his sin of Sodomy before coming to Christ. Since if he had to turn away from his evil way (Sodomy), then that would be...
  14. ChosenbyHim

    Steven Anderson is wrong - Sodomites can still be saved.

    Desdichado, I hope you become a King James Bible believer soon, brother. Oh what power you will have in your life when you do!
  15. ChosenbyHim

    Steven Anderson is wrong - Sodomites can still be saved.

    Pilgrimshope, Repentance of Sins only comes after Salvation. Not before. Does a Sodomite have to turn from his Sodomy or try to stop being a Sodomite before God will save him? No. A Sodomite just has to believe the Gospel of the Death, Burial and Resurrection and he will be saved. In other...
  16. ChosenbyHim

    Steven Anderson is wrong - Sodomites can still be saved.

    Amen brother! Praise the Lord for His abundant Grace. Indeed, God's Grace and the Grace of His Scripture truly does surpass our understanding. It is absolutely amazing!
  17. ChosenbyHim

    Steven Anderson is wrong - Sodomites can still be saved.

    Because he is one who professes to believe the King James Bible, but when examining his teachings and ministry, there are several areas where he does not believe the actual teaching of the King James Bible. And Since I am a King James Bible believing Christian, I deal harder with those teachers...
  18. ChosenbyHim

    Steven Anderson is wrong - Sodomites can still be saved.

    Exactly. No sinner is beyond the reach of God's grace.
  19. ChosenbyHim

    Steven Anderson is wrong - Sodomites can still be saved.

    Amen. Any sinner can be saved. Even Sodomites (Homosexuals and Lesbians). If they will simply believe the Gospel of The Death, Burial and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, trusting alone in that Finished Work of His, as the only sufficient payment for their sins. I saw Aden Rusfeldt...
  20. ChosenbyHim

    Is Obedience Necessary for Salvation?

    Blk, Yes, in order for us to enter into Heaven, we indeed must be Perfect. We must be as perfect as God is, and we also must be as perfect as His word (The holy Scripture) is. When you and I got saved, we received the imputed Righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ, and we also received the very...