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  1. T

    how is faith in super-sized magnitudes even possible?

    I recommend you watch the movie Hacksaw Ridge. Wanna talk about having super-sized faith? Being a true story is what makes it seem fake....I am sure it is Hollywooded up a little but, the essence is there.
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    What kind of music makes you feel better?

    It all depends on the current state of mind. I have recognized that a song that uplifted me yesterday, just doesn’t work the same everyday. Mostly 80’s, Alternative and Christian I do however recognize that music has the ability to freeze time just like a photo sooooo, sometimes I will rewind...
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    From glory to glory?

    Is there any Biblical account of anyone that had more than 1 victory? I cannot recall any.
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    The narrow road

    Do you honestly believe that today’s society is, too hard to rise above when the Holy Spirit is available for guidance? If you believe this out the gate or stay on the fence, you are setting yourself up to fail. I concur that today’s world appears to have more ways to drag you down BUT, it...
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    Lonely faith

    One thing I would like to add is, I KNOW that matter how bad of a hand life deals you in the beginning, it has no bearing whatsoever on what is possible ahead. You would be amazed how 40 years of madness can be lifted almost instantly. Just like someone in a Texas Hold Em tournament. The one...
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    Turning Away from What God Created in Us

    Hmmmm.... got a lot of thoughts bouncing around huh? You state a lot of useful information but, none of it will make complete sense until the magic ingredient is involved. TIMING!
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    Is smoking a mortal sin?

    Thank you! This confirms many previous lessons I have learned in other verses.
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    Is smoking a mortal sin?

    Can you recall what verse you are paraphrasing about Paul? I want to do some homework.
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    12 Disciples

    Does it really matter? Everyone is running their own race designed specifically for them. I came across a very good quote the other day. (I get daily quotes) It was: How old would you be, if you didn’t know how old you are? Satchel Paige I like to believe that deep down, we are all children...
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    Proverbs 21:1

    I wonder if we are all prewired to take the easiest path. The one that has the least resistance....Honestly, who would consciously choose a path that is harder if they believe they can get to their destination the same? I obviously have no way of knowing if this is universally true. Maybe life...
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    Are Doing God’s Will and Sharing His Love Intertwined?

    I can relate to the gist of what you are trying to understand. I also looked at the dilemma of which side is God’s will? #1 Live and let live or #2 express outward love all the time? I relented to option #3.... Listen inward for what should be done at that specific time and place is correct...
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    The race is on between Satan and Jesus

    Haha true but anyone under 18 is under default parental control Oh wait.... The WALL! 🙂
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    Tithe/Sow But Dont Pray Or Read The Word Consistently

    I am not supposed to judge others..... I don’t want to be judged I would caution such a person because it appears that they have the formula for life and I BELIEVE we all need daily bread.
  14. T

    Jesus Christ which are the seven Spirits of God

    Self explanatory, isn’t it? The chosen disciples were getting the advanced schooling of truth while the others couldd not process the same What does it mean to you? I will say how I understand it after you do.
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    The race is on between Satan and Jesus

    You do know that Satan needed permission from God to torment Job? They are not equal opposites....We all know who always wins if a battle is desired. 1 is undefeated. As for relating politics....Why do so many people like to lump individuals into groups with exactly the same views? There is a...
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    Jesus Christ which are the seven Spirits of God

    I think many of us encounter a verse that we don’t understand and somehow believe that maybe another’s confident interpretation can be implanted into them....Sorry but I don’t think it is that easy or supposed to be. Like in high school, asking a friend for the answers to a pop quiz, without...
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    How to validate our faith? Mustered seed faith.

    I make sense of the mustard seed verse in this manner: In your darkest hour, when 99.9% of everything you think to be evidence as to why you are finished and want to give up, if there is just that 0.1% of faith that still believes God has not abandoned you, and you don’t want to quit, THEN and...
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    Why did God create us

    A VERY good quote that will answer your question is: Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.....Soren Kierkegaard WAITING is the most essential and toughest virtue to accept.
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    Jesus is Jehovah? So Jehovah is Son in trinity?

    Didn’t Jesus call the woman that touched him, “Daughter” ? That implies......................
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    Created Beings

    Where does it say that humans and angels are similar?