Any Input On People Who Tithe And Sow But Don't Pray Or Read The Bible Consistently?
They tithe, and sow that way, but do not pray or read the Bible, which is the same thing, and goes along with people that go to Church, but do not pray or read the Bible.
Which they want to go to heaven, and believe, but they think that by going to Church, and tithing, they are in good standing with God, or they might be trying to please someone else, or to look good among people.
Which we know some people say they go to Church on Sunday, but then do not live right the rest of the week.
And that is the behavior of a lot of people.
It is the same as Adam and Eve that put on fig leaves to cover their shame for disobeying God, but God put animal skins on them, and fully clothed them to cover their shame.
There is many people that go through the religious motions having fig leaves for a covering, instead of being fully clothed by praying, and reading the Bible, and doing what a person must do to have a relationship with God.
But some people that is their behavior to go to Church, and tithe, but not do too much after that.
Concerning hypocrisy, or lack of living right, there will come a day it will be all sorted out, and many will follow the world, and many will stop being hypocritical, and follow God in the truth.
For God said, multitudes, multitudes, in the valley of decision, for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.
And when the nations come together and say Peace and safety the saints will not be deceived by that.
And it becomes a deciding factor for all people of the world, to stay with God, get with God, or follow the world that will rebel against God.
But Jesus will deliver the saints from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
But the hypocrite will be tempted, but many will follow the world, and many will stop their hypocrisy, and follow God in the truth.
And will come a time that there is no more hypocrisy, but either of the world, or of God, and no in between, for when they take the mark of the beast, or do not, the separation will happen, for all who do not love God will be given strong delusion to follow the beast, and all the rest on God's side.
When the nations come together they will try to convince the world, and the Christians, that the interpretation of the Bible that has been taught has been wrong, but it is based on the occult, and evolution, and people can still evolve, which is their spiritual salvation to evolve to be an ascended master, and avatar, like the man Jesus.
So while the Bible, and the truth we believe of it has saved many souls, it will also doom many people with the false interpretation of it of the new age movement, which if not the truth then not the word of God as He meant it.
The devil wants to take the focus off of Jesus being Lord and Savior, and a personal God, and put it on evolution, and the exaltation of people through the power of nature, which is by the new age movement, which will pave the way to the beast kingdom.