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  1. Kavik

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    I assure you I certainly am - as to the rest of your post, I have no idea what you're trying to say here.
  2. Kavik

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    No worries - more for my own edification. I'm just really curious to hear an example of what people deem as legitimate tongues-speech.
  3. Kavik

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    No one really needs to "present a case" per se - I'm just curious on what people perceive t be "real" as opposed to what is perceived to be "fake".
  4. Kavik

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    Sure you got the last name right? Not a whole lot comes up under this one.
  5. Kavik

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    Unfortunately, this seems to be rather common in times I've asked for examples of what people consider legitimate tongues speech and that which is perceived as not legitimate. With all due respect to those concerned, it seems a bit odd to me that for so many people who have such a strong belief...
  6. Kavik

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    I've already addressed the phenomenon of modern tongues-speech in other comments/threads - I'm presenting what modern tongues-speech is, not what people believe it to be. As I've mentioned on other threads, I am not doubting or questioning the "tongues experience" - glossolalia as the...
  7. Kavik

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    Yes, of course, I'm a linguist and the phenomenon of glossolalia is an interest of mine. "There are literally less than 50 true college and professional linguistic's worldwide who travel and study the differences between races, creeds, and territorial" Not sure what you're getting at - one...
  8. Kavik

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    That's a rather fanciful remark. I'm not attempting to disprove anything. I completely believe that the Holy Spirit bestows gifts as it will. It's more a linguistic exercise than anything.
  9. Kavik

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    Yes - many actors do this when pretending to speak a foreign language (faux German, French, etc.) Well, Paul's "tongues of angels" is pure hyperbole, but it would be relatively easy enough to determine if what is being uttered meets the universal criteria of "language"; i.e., whether or not...
  10. Kavik

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    I wasn’t going to post anything on this thread, but linguistic curiosity has gotten the better of me…. I‘m hoping that some one can post a link to a YT video, a sound clip, whatever, of someone speaking in what you perceive to be real, legitimate tongues, and then the same for someone you...
  11. Kavik

    TONGUES false teaching.

    Phenomenon in the sense of an observable fact/situation; not in the sense of a ‘fad’. Again, glossolalia itself is a real thing; it’s not “fake”; nor is the experience – it is something that can be explained in rather simple linguistic terms; however, not one person ‘speaking tongues’ (in the...
  12. Kavik

    TONGUES false teaching.

    Yes, if a person learned their second (or third., etc. ) language; it's not modern tongues speech (not sure I fully understand what you're saying).
  13. Kavik

    TONGUES false teaching.

    With all due respect, when it comes to the study of Biblical 'tongues', whether one is born again or not is completely irrelevant. The modern phenomenon is what it is. There are many things which must be taken on faith; they can neither be proved nor disproved. “Tongues” however, is not one of...
  14. Kavik

    TONGUES false teaching.

    Yes - I don't believe he was bragging either - Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles – it stands to reason he would use his knowledge of foreign languages more than the average person to spread the Gospel, and thanked God for giving him the ability to do so. A frequent use of foreign languages...
  15. Kavik

    Has the Gospel been preached in all the world?

    I'd say no - there are still many inhabited places in the world today that are still quite inaccessible. As others pointed out, it may be readily accessible and have been "preached" in many places, but that doesn't necessarily equate to people accepting it. I will say that as a linguist, the...
  16. Kavik

    Christmas tree -- vestige from Babylonian worship

    Hardly worth a comment, but it amazes me how each year, certain Christian denominations take what is a very Germanic pre-Christian custom and equate it to that well known verse in Jeremiah which, of course has squat to do with Christmas trees (or even evergreen trees for that matter).
  17. Kavik

    The Pagan Roots of Halloween

    The Manx celebrate it too - considered the oldest tradition on the Island, but its been mingled with the American Halloween. The Manx know it as "Hop tu Naa" - a celebration of the Celtic "new year" - really the onset of the dark half of the year marked with a lot of traditional music and dance.
  18. Kavik

    The Pagan Roots of Halloween

    Yep - VLEE-in NOO-ah HAW-nah KHAYL-chahkh (rough pronunciation in a more northern Irish Gaelic - 'kh' like Scottish 'ch' in "loch", or German in "Bach")
  19. Kavik

    The Pagan Roots of Halloween

    PART 2 Lastly, *All Saint’s Day* - All Saint’s Day/All Souls Day/Halloween, and Samhain developed _completely independent_ of each other. That’s just historical fact. No matter how much some people like to promote and honestly believe that just the opposite is true. To state it briefly, the...
  20. Kavik

    The Pagan Roots of Halloween

    PART 1 Guess this needs to be in parts due to size - Modern Halloween as we know it today is just that – a modernly invented secular ‘holiday’ combining elements of an earlier American tradition called “Hell Night”, along with a healthy dose of good old “Hollywood” thrown in for good measure...