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  1. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    Im so glad to hear you came over it, God is amazing :)
  2. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    how do the Finish flag came up here :LOL:
  3. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    Have I say anything that I'm obsess to what I am doing? am I obsess if I walk for two days in the forest? I don't know if you ware reading my question from start correctly as it seems that you assume that I have other types of problems?
  4. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    This I will remember from now, never heard that here in Sweden before :)
  5. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    I also think my hobbies keep me away from sin
  6. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    Must have been so hard for you going thru this. I was to young when my mom past away to remember.
  7. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    yea that sounds rely dangerous :ROFL:
  8. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    Thank you so much for this. Very clear and helpful to get to know this
  9. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    Many of my friends they ware more active in sports before, but now more and more they go for the party and drinking. I'm have no interest in that. I don't like alcohol or drugs.
  10. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    This was good text for this yes. Things should not get in be twine me and God re harm any other. And is not like I'm not careful even if I some time take a very high cliff and jump from with snowboard, I always take a look at the landing, calculating the risk and so on before doing anything.
  11. ImLova

    new here

    Amen! So glad to hear that. Love when I hear people get saved from drug addiction. Sadly my mom died in a over dose when I was two and dad kept taking drugs.
  12. ImLova

    new here

    You will get how it work after a time, just keep trying and come back and you will se that you will become a master och handle a forum like this :)
  13. ImLova

    new here

    Hi Gragra and welcome here. Blessings to you
  14. ImLova

    new here

    Hi Jemuel and welcome back. Blessings
  15. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    yes as you say there is a higher risk going in a car then skydiving, and most of accidents in skydiving is cos bu the person who not make shore the equipment is done right. I always check everything myself, I would never just take for shore that other people pack it correct.
  16. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    Yes, if you get the chance to do it you should. Maybe first times is good to do it with some one else if you never hike before.
  17. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    Is it to get adrenaline that is wrong? I also get an adrenaline rush when I get up in front of all people in church to say something on a meeting. Its the same feeling as doing a new trick with my snowboard.
  18. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    Yes hiking is very nice. This summer I was hiking 4 days alone. It was amazing. The first two days I hiked north into the forest and slept in a tent. Then I kayaked back and camped by the river that leads down back to where I live. Some people think I was crazy to do it alone, but it was so nice.
  19. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    Also, why would God not care about what we do? Don't you think God have give us different intents as he created us with different skills and gifts? To me I think God is interest in what we do with our time in life.
  20. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    Yes this is truth, God must be the first, most important.