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  1. MichaelOwen

    trump is the antichrist

    Your profile name fits you really well...guess you forgot the O and the N to complete your name....
  2. MichaelOwen

    Single Mingle- Where flirting is compulsory and heartaches unavoidable.

    Roses are red, Apples are too, But i've never met anyone, As awesome as you ;)
  3. MichaelOwen

    Thought we'd play a little game...

    Can't touch this!!
  4. MichaelOwen

    Single Mingle- Where flirting is compulsory and heartaches unavoidable.

    Why can't I flirt? I don't remember seeing a commandment that said "Thou shalt not flirt".....just saying....flirting seems fine to me, provided done in the right way.
  5. MichaelOwen

    OSAS= House Built on Sand

    Hiya Jewel!
  6. MichaelOwen

    OSAS= House Built on Sand

    *sigh* I need new shoes too....
  7. MichaelOwen

    trump is the antichrist

    Wow...judge much? Matthew 7:1......obviously you don't read your Bible or take into account the word of God.......keep toeing the ban line, everyone is watching your rhetoric and nonsensical phony rants.
  8. MichaelOwen

    trump is the antichrist

    Dem, I love you as a brother in our Lord Jesus, but you're full of crap really.
  9. MichaelOwen

    New member

    Greetings! And welcome to CC, you're most welcome here. It's blessing to have you on here, don't worry, most of the members here don't bite....(most don't anyway ha) :D
  10. MichaelOwen

    Comment by 'MichaelOwen' in media '2bkeue.jpg'

    Let Blue see that and it'll be all over but the crying :P
  11. MichaelOwen

    Thought we'd play a little game...

    One thing I like about being single is knowing God is grooming me...for who, that's the mystery, but it's a beautiful mystery :)
  12. MichaelOwen

    Questions you have been too polite to ask but always have wanted to.

    Tell that to my body after tossing and turning for a night....better yet, yell at it, maybe it'll finally wake up haha :LOL:
  13. MichaelOwen

    what comes to mind from one word?

    The Messiah!
  14. MichaelOwen

    Did other people inhabit the earth before we did?

    The Word is very clear that the Lord created the Earth, then created the animals, then created man, and i'm pretty sure there no other inhabitants of the Earth before hand.