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  1. MessengerofTruth

    I Samuel 3

    It says that Eli knew that his sons were vile and restrained them not. 3:13
  2. MessengerofTruth


    I would imagine that they would feel much like Solomon felt after he experienced so much and yet at the end of the day it just didn't satisfy, all is vanity. Not that the rockstars had wisdom as Solomon did else, they would have done what He said and feared GOD and keep His commandments. The...
  3. MessengerofTruth

    new member

    Hi Paring. I'd love to talk to you anytime. :giggle:
  4. MessengerofTruth

    Keto Anyone?

    It's been about a week now and I am just now getting energy. I'm not sure if it is something I am doing or if it is that I struggle with allergies. Thanks for the tips and encouragement, I appreciate it.
  5. MessengerofTruth

    How does a Christian keep the Sabbath Holy?

    That is only if you are seeking salvation by the keeping of the Law.
  6. MessengerofTruth

    Hey guys

    Hi Bethany. So glad to have you here. Looking forward to getting to know you. :giggle:
  7. MessengerofTruth

    How does a Christian keep the Sabbath Holy?

    We go on walks, take naps, read an edifying book, make calls to encourage people, go visit people, we would even help someone if there were a need. The children sometimes get bored, but it is a much-needed rest for our physical bodies.
  8. MessengerofTruth

    These things have begun to take place

    Who am I to question the oracles of the Living GOD?
  9. MessengerofTruth

    These things have begun to take place

    The Euphrates River is drying up as well as other rivers in the world. This is definitely an end time sign...
  10. MessengerofTruth

    Am I really a true believer of jesus christ?

    Personally, I believe that you must come to the day that you have an encounter with the Living GOD and believe on Christ as the Sacrifice for your sin and obediently be baptized. That said, I also believe that you must pay your vows to the Most High. You were a child, but you uttered something...
  11. MessengerofTruth


    Let not fornication once be named among you...
  12. MessengerofTruth


    I agree, this person doesn't seem real...
  13. MessengerofTruth

    LOVE is Here!

    Hi Ishah. Glad to have you here and look forward to getting to know you too. :giggle:
  14. MessengerofTruth

    Need some clarity, please...

    I think you are on point with your observation in the scripture you cited. I hear songs and preaching that seems to suggest that GOD is only love and goodness. I believe as we grow in our understanding and knowledge of Him, we see there is another side of GOD that is no less holy. This is...
  15. MessengerofTruth

    New on here.

    Hi Myrna. It's good to have you here. My condolences for your loss.
  16. MessengerofTruth

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    I agree. I do believe that the main thrust is to be a warning to the saints.
  17. MessengerofTruth

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    Never mind, it was answered in an earlier post.
  18. MessengerofTruth

    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    So, do you believe that the things in Revelation have or have not been fulfilled?
  19. MessengerofTruth


    Greetings Joseph. It is good to have you here. I've always wanted to go to Africa. What are the politics like in your country? Do they still uphold Godly values in society, family, and government? Hope to be an encouragement to you. :giggle: