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  1. MessengerofTruth

    Doctors Reversing Death and Resurrection of the dead!

    I tried and it wouldn't let me but if you will search the first line of my post it will take you to the article. I'm sorry I am having some trouble with my technology lately.
  2. MessengerofTruth

    Doctors Reversing Death and Resurrection of the dead!

    German Doctors are attempting to reverse death and resurrect the dead! This will be part of the Mark of the beast and the next "Pandemic Answer", another vaccine. Men will seek death and it will flee from them! Rev.9:6 LOOK UP! Your Redemption Draweth Nigh!!! Do not love your life on this...
  3. MessengerofTruth

    Gay Christian?

    I think it can seem that way when there is not a good understand as to the why.
  4. MessengerofTruth

    I seem hindered in drawing near to God.

    I have experienced this before many times and I can say that the LORD causes all things to work together for good to those that love Him and are called according to His will, Press into the Father. Do not faint or lose heart. A righteous man may fall 7 times but, he will get back up and keep...
  5. MessengerofTruth

    Green Tea for anti-inflammatory and maintaining weight control.

    I have heard of Kava. I will look into it. Thank you.
  6. MessengerofTruth

    Green Tea for anti-inflammatory and maintaining weight control.

    I have been drinking green tea for many years now and I can attest that it is greatly beneficial. I would encourage everyone to drink a cup a day and see for themselves in 1-3 months what it has done for them. For some it may take some getting used to. It did for me but, now I do not use any...
  7. MessengerofTruth

    Is Anyone Keeping Up With This?!?

    Are we awake and aware of what is quickly coming??? I cannot post the link here, but I just found a few news pieces on QFS. QFS- Quantum Financial System Supposed unhackable digital currency. If anyone is keeping up with this, please share.
  8. MessengerofTruth

    ChatGPT is an Open Source AI

    I would not be surprised if he is AI himself. Noticed he wanted to know if this is a completely different "Beast"... :cautious:
  9. MessengerofTruth

    Gay Christian?

    We do have a mandate to separate from people, Christian or not, that are walking in sin.
  10. MessengerofTruth

    Gay Christian?

    Your post comes across as tolerant of what God considers to be an abomination. Friendship with the world is enmity with GOD. GOD will not be mocked; Judgement is coming on this world for the wickedness of it. I am not trying to be judgmental but, share what the scriptures say on the...
  11. MessengerofTruth


    See the above, it's for you. :giggle:
  12. MessengerofTruth


    Try eating a papaya pill when you eat yogurt. You may find them in the vitamin section at Wal-Mart.
  13. MessengerofTruth


    Black Walnut powder and Oil pulling has helped our family tremendously.
  14. MessengerofTruth

    Natural "Shampoo"

    I have found a new recipe for shampoo. It is 1/4 castile soap, 1/4 Aloe Vera, 1/2 distilled water. I added Rosemary essential oil.
  15. MessengerofTruth

    Keto Anyone?

    Feeling better every day and adjusting with intermittent fasting and feeling better than I have in a while. Hope this encourages someone to do whatever it takes to gain strength and courage to endure the long haul. Do what you can, never give up. Little by little gets the job done... :giggle:
  16. MessengerofTruth

    Submit and Obey

    We are called to be discerning as to whom we would submit ourselves to in respect to a spiritual leader. "You will know them by their fruits." Jesus
  17. MessengerofTruth


    I would like to encourage you to deliberately respond to what you know to be true. Repent of anything you know to be sin whether you feel anything or not. Ask God to make it all real to you. Without first believing that GOD is (faith), and a rewarder of those that Diligently seek Him, You...
  18. MessengerofTruth

    Keto Anyone?

    I do not have a microwave, but I thank you for the tip anyway. :giggle:
  19. MessengerofTruth

    Keto Anyone?

    I made myself an ice-cream dessert. I used 2 pkgs of cream cheese, 1c. Whipping cream, 3/4c. erythitol, and a splash of vanilla. For the topping I mixed 1/2c. butter, @ 3c. almond flour and a pinch of salt. Baked on 400 degrees, till browned, mixing a couple of times to make it crispy. I just...
  20. MessengerofTruth

    Please pray

    I am praying. Where are you?