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  1. NYUK3206

    Is Everyone OK? (CC Singles Forum Post-Valentine's Day Roll Call!)

    I had a great day even though I'm single. I did take my Momma out to her favorite place for dinner. She is still mourning the passing of my stepfather. They complimented one another nicely for over 20 years. There life together was like a never ending romance novel. She misses him dearly...
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  4. NYUK3206

    How Do Men Like to be Complimented?

    I can see that being quite a conundrum. I personally am not suspect to anything other than an innocent comment. I do however recognize how they could easily be misinterpreted. I guess it really depends on the person being complimented.
  5. NYUK3206

    Hilarious post

    A husband and wife were driving through Louisiana. As they approached Natchitoches, they started arguing about the pronunciation of the town. They argued back and forth, then they stopped for lunch. At the counter, the husband asked the waitress, "Before we order, could you please settle an...
  6. NYUK3206

    How Do Men Like to be Complimented?

    Interesting thread. I have been complimented on my eyes. I was very grateful. Hope that helps.
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  8. NYUK3206

    "Wow, You're Kind of Pretty... For Being Such a Normally Ugly Person."

    Yes. Unfortunately society has stereotyped the intelligence of people based on hair color. I think merely as a joke but for some it can be very offensive. I often hear balding men scold me for shaving off all my hair. I can sympathize with their self-consciousness but it's only hair. Truth...
  9. NYUK3206

    "Wow, You're Kind of Pretty... For Being Such a Normally Ugly Person."

    When I was younger I was often told by females that I was a really nice guy. But I was too nice. I never understood that.
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  12. funny Dog pictures with quotes (523).jpg

    funny Dog pictures with quotes (523).jpg

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  14. NYUK3206

    Hilarious post

    A bored young man decided life would be more fun if he had a pet. So he went to the pet store and told the owner that he wanted to buy an unusual pet. After some discussion, he finally bought a talking centipede, (100-legged bug), which came in a little white box to use for his house. He took...
  15. NYUK3206

    Feeling at the end of my rope

    Prayers for you to receive a relief from being overwhelmed. I can truly sympathize with your situation. I pray for all the best for you.
  16. NYUK3206

    Starting a new job tomorrow

    Prayers for your employment difficulties. May you find comfort and resolution.
  17. NYUK3206

    Prayer and grieving

    I will pray for your strength and comfort during this difficult time. We just celebrated a year in October for the passing of my stepfather. I promise that things do get easier with time as the sweet loving memories you have of your loved ones is your strength to get through difficult times...
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  19. NYUK3206

    How did your parents meet?

    My parents were high school sweethearts and fell in love dating every weekend at the farmer's market. :D