Somewhere around the 5th or 6th year, I ran across a blog post that I wasn't supposed to find and didn't expect to find. It was a blog post about me. I was stunned. In it he said he made the wrong choice (by choosing me). I informed him that I knew about his post, we didn't communicate for 2 months after this. All I could see in my head were those words, "Wrong choice." I didn't plan to position myself back into that relationship, but his friends (who like me a lot and are very nice gentleman) got us back together. And it worked out for a while, but honestly those words still were in the back of my head. Wrong choice. Now, the last thing I plan to do with my life is be a wrong choice again lol. Goals. Good goals 
Things are a mixed bag here in Oklahoma. I have dated different sizes of men. My 3rd relationship was with a plus size man and it was actually the only relationship I got into based off looks alone. I thought he was quite handsome, but we didn't have anything in common. I think it's good to have some different interests, but to not have anything in common at all is not a good thing I found out lol.
I see you mentioned woodpeckers. I see 3 different types of woodpeckers without even leaving the yard. I see red-bellied, downy, and pileated woodpeckers. I love hearing and watching them.
This year, Mississippi kites were dating nearby. I'd be out in my lounge chair and they'd fly over me. I also sometimes see kestrels in the area. Or even bald eagles. I like birdwatching. All these lovely living things are God's artwork to me.
Things are a mixed bag here in Oklahoma. I have dated different sizes of men. My 3rd relationship was with a plus size man and it was actually the only relationship I got into based off looks alone. I thought he was quite handsome, but we didn't have anything in common. I think it's good to have some different interests, but to not have anything in common at all is not a good thing I found out lol.
I see you mentioned woodpeckers. I see 3 different types of woodpeckers without even leaving the yard. I see red-bellied, downy, and pileated woodpeckers. I love hearing and watching them.
This year, Mississippi kites were dating nearby. I'd be out in my lounge chair and they'd fly over me. I also sometimes see kestrels in the area. Or even bald eagles. I like birdwatching. All these lovely living things are God's artwork to me.
My whole life i was thin and athletic up until I started taking the prescription medication. I’m really hoping that my body will heal and go back to normal, just got to pray about that one. My dad weighs 40 pounds less than me and he doesn’t take prescription medication and I also have my mom’s genes and she is tiny and has always been tiny. My dad on the other hand loves to eat and sometimes it is all he talks about. When I listen to him speak sometimes, all I think of is gluttony but he also surfs a lot and his work is physical labor, putting up screens at like raves of all things, concerts and tech buildings such as Apple, Google and Amazon, and he does that 6 days a week sometimes working sometimes 16 hour days.
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