@JimiSurvivor has been showing me is he believes he has to maintain his own salvation by doing something. Same things as you have been showing me.
You neglected to mention that the "thing" I said
we must CONTINUE to "Do"
There you go. You just did the very thing I said you do, you mentions something WE NEED TO DO.. not only did you say we need to do it, You said we need to continue to do it.
is to keep believing in Jesus and continuing in the gospel.
Its still you.
Its not God keeping you. Its you keeping yourself. what different is it than saying I must do this and that (insert anything you must do)
the fact remains, you are maintaining your salvation by doing this..
its not God keeping you, its you keeping yourself..
The scripture verifies this: …22But now He has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy, unblemished, and blameless in His presence— (Colossians 1:22)
He has reconciled me. yes, By the body through his death..
I did not reconcile myself. not will I ever be able to reconcile myself.
Romans 5:10
if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more,
having been reconciled, we
shall be saved by His life.
I was reconciled as his enemy.. And because of this reconciliation. I shall be saved.
Not everyone who says they have faith really do.
Now you need to resolve Col1 with romans 5
You have taken the position that we do not really have to continue in the faith
No, I take the position WE WILL CONTINUE IN FAITH.
we only lose faith if we never had it to begin with. My faith is in God. God is perfect. while I may not trust him perfectly in everything. Even he said faith of a mustard seed moves mountains.
once again, You do not lose faith in someone who NEVER FAILS YOU.
And Again. 1 John 2 said they were never of us.. these people who do not have faith and are against christ.. You must resolve that passage also
so are we under law or under grace. where does how we live fall into the equation?
even if Christians should renounce Christ and abandon the Faith they will end up before God complete, and without a single blemish. Paul said that whether we enter our inheritance at all depends on whether we CONTINUE IN THE FAITH and are not MOVED AWAY FROM IT or from the GOSPEL. Thus the verse affirms that it is most POSSIBLE for us to "NOT CONTINUE" in the faith but to be "moved away" from it.
lol, Sorry
People who move away were never of us, if they were of us, they never would have left.
You have paul and John apposed to each other
You have even suggested that
ongoing faith and
obedience to Him gospel is a
heavy burden like the yoke of the Law which Peter said "neither he nor his forefathers could carry." That us not what Christ said about serving Him. He said:
Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and
you will find rest for your souls.…(Matthew 11:28-29)
Serving Him is not a heavy burden because He has given us the Holy Spirit who gives us the grace to be changed and to serve Him.
No. I do not think this. those who think faith could ever be lost would be those who think this. Please do not try to show something you believe on me..