It is not changing the language, it is instead considering the semantic range of the word and how it is being used in the text.
The scripture is using the words they were commonly used in every day life at the time.
They do not have a separate special meaning within scripture.
Do yo see any distinction between the temporal salvation (an ongoing event) and the eternal salvation (a one time event) in scripture?
Actually, this is mind-boggling. The semantic range? Salvation means salvation. It's really just that simple. Then comes context.
How many times have you read me say in this thread things like, were saved - being saved - will be saved? This is the language of the Text re: the word "save" when reviewed in all of its tenses.
The specific words in the Word are there for a reason.
The problem here is that some of you think you need to change the inspired Text to protect your theological constructs you were raised under, as was I, then I studied the Word of God.
Do you believe Salvation is a process or a onetime event or a future event or some combination of the three or all of the three or?
Again, IMO "works salvation" is a mess of opinions, emotions, theological constructs of men, poor exegesis, and in fairness to all, an obviously tough topic to discuss and to deal with in the Text. Look at all of the considerations being brought up here from (and some not from) Scripture; lose vs. can't lose; walk away vs. can't walk away; believed vs. never believed; truly believed vs. believed; the extent of the meaning and topic of sealing, rewards, wages, etc., etc., etc.
My decision long ago was to reject the constructs and the traditions - all of them - and rest in my belief of who Jesus is and the fact that He is YHWH"s Christ, YHWH's King, the only absolute ruler to whom all knees shall bow (including mine willingly in Christ in Spirit) etc., etc., and just sit and study His Word as it's written, and let Him work in me to provide His capacity to will and work what He commands. I, like all of us, am a work in progress within the Process of His Salvation Plan with all of its benchmarks and goals until salvation future when we will be like Him because we'll see Him as He is (which is some very interesting language in itself).
I think I have a pretty decent understanding of the Salvation Process as it's written. I studied and taught for some years every instance of the word "save" in all of its parsing in our Text. I know why I don't change the language of Phil2:12 and why I have zero problems with being commanded to accomplish my SALVATION with fear and trembling...
I also know and studied before we could find others on the internet who have done likewise every form of language in the NC that is imperatival - a command. Without pulling up that work, as I recall, there are just below 600 commands to Christians just in the Epistles. IMO each and every one of them is important as is every word in the Word properly and accurately understood. This is just some of the reason I attempt to pull fellow believers into actually working in Scripture. More often than not the process is to set the Scripture aside or deal with it casually while letting the made-up constructs and accusations fly.
As I said, what a mess.