And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. Daniel 2:43. It is clear from the verse "they" are not people. They are not of this earth? A repeat of Genesis 6?
For starters, those Demons who did this in Genesis were locked in the pit and thus no other Demon would dare do this, they know they would be locked in the pit also. The goal was to destroy the humans DNA so Jesus could never be birthed, so that time has passed anyway, the Sacrifice has been paid.
Secondly, I used to think this meant that God would never allows these nations to come together as one again until the very end, no matter how hard they tried to reform, be it wars or with the "Seed of Men" as in "Royal Marriage" which they indeed tried at times, but that is not what it means.
HERE IS WHAT Daniel 2:43 means:
And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
So, Daniel saw Rome as Iron, so it was a proper old school style Beast Kingdom that Conquered its foes, just like Babylon, Persia and Greece, they all ruled via brute force BUT..........the last Beast Kingdom will be different, as Rev. 17:12 says these 10 Kings (10 means completion) give their power unto the Anti-Christ/Beast, so its an Election (via Parliament of the E.U.) not a Brute Force Conquering that brings him to power originally, and these 10 (Complete Europe Reunited as the E.U.) are indeed
Partly Strong, Germany, Spain, England, France, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands,
and Partly Weak Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia.
The reason this connotation of partly strong and partly weak is used is to show us this "Last Beast Kingdom" is not a Beast Power that came together via brute force like the others, this is instead a political beast with MANY FACTIONS, and with MANY NATIONS, its not like the Rome of old where one man ruled and he had a few Senators etc. this Beast has many nations trying to be one nation, which seldom works very well.
So, they MIX THEMSELVES via the SEED OF MEN means they try to mesh many different Nations together, many different SEEDS or Nations ( are the different seeds of men, just like Abraham's SEED was Israel). BUT.......Just like Clay & Iron do not MIX WELL, neither will this end time Beast Kingdom, some nations are strong and try to rule the others, then you have weaker nations like Poland, Austria etc. who refuses at ties to obey the dictates of the E.U. and allow in Refugees etc. Many Nations trying to rule as one nation, especially when those older nations are very, very old like France, England, Spain etc. and have been world powers, is just not going to work out well, NOTICE England left the E..U. (supposedly).
This has NOTHING to do with how the Beast will go forth conquering, by that time he turns into a Dictator, this is more about how the 10 (Complete Europe) reunites.