Homosexuals are just under 4% of the population so I don't think society is "devolving into homosexuality"
I'm not going to magically turn gay because I saw two gay guys holding hands. That's not how it works in reality
Also I don't waste an ounce of my energy caring about what consenting adults are doing.
You used the term "consenting adults".
And truthfully, they have no concept of what they are consenting to because emotionally they are damaged to the point that they have a skewed view of right and wrong. They are mentally unstable. That includes the gambit of narcissistic tendencies to gender dysphoria and all points in between.
Where these people are less than 5% of the population...they also have no qualms about moral turpitude...
Which was once a reason that they were unable to engage in large contracts...including life insurance. (Once upon a time corporate America actually had a conscience instead of all greed all the time)
Which brings us to the point of normalizing mental health. At what point do we stop incarceration or hospitalizing those with moral turpitude? We certainly do not want to encourage such behaviors....but that is exactly what you are arguing in favor of. Yes, they have some functionality in society but because of the moral turpitude they are always seeking to enlist more people into perversion and a breakdown of our society.
Look, Mexico is a "Christian " nation of Catholics. But the place is a cesspool. Full of drugs, gangs, sex slaves, and every perversion possible. Sure there are pockets of decency but a two block radius surrounded by armed guards really isn't the sort of place I want to live.