What, you ask? Berating men.
Enough, already.
We understand that the guy watching football on his couch instead of attending your Sunday services is hurting your bottom line. But please, just stop.
You are not going to get him there by telling him it's okay if his wife leaves him and that he deserves it if she does. It isn't okay.
Jesus (remember Him?) told us:
I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery. Mat. 19:9.
I have to assume that goes for the wife as well. For example:
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Eph 5:22-23
I don't think Paul was instructing the wives in the Church here in Ephesus to run off and take the children if they thought their husbands weren't Godly enough. Instead, he often instructed the men to love their wives, a subject you very seldom hear preached anymore.
I am tired of hearing how horrible men are in the church. Instead, I implore you: GO QUIET FOR SIX MONTHS. I promise your churches will survive the ordeal.
Put down your microphones, step out from the pulpit, and go into your communities. There, you will find that man on the couch, watching football, desperate for spiritual direction.
But now, instead of discipleship, he gets met with an anonymous contact form on a website. If your ministry doesn't care about human connection, why should he?
And I know the old, tired rebuttal about some being the hands versus the feet versus the mouth. However, no disrespect intended, but the mouth has gotten WAY TOO BIG.
You may think you're "calling out men" but instead, you are adding fuel to the 50 percent divorce rate among Christians. You do that by berating men in front of their wives. And since Satan is behind every divorce, he's relishing in the destruction of our families.
In the next six months, I challenge ALL pastors, no matter how "effective" you think your ministry is, to stop preaching and show the rest of us how to make two disciples. Then, those two will make four. And those four will make eight, and so on.
Before long, those horrible men sitting on their couches watching football will get activated. Then, watch the Gospel spread like wildfire throughout every nation, just like Jesus envisioned.
Enough, already.
We understand that the guy watching football on his couch instead of attending your Sunday services is hurting your bottom line. But please, just stop.
You are not going to get him there by telling him it's okay if his wife leaves him and that he deserves it if she does. It isn't okay.
Jesus (remember Him?) told us:
I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery. Mat. 19:9.
I have to assume that goes for the wife as well. For example:
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Eph 5:22-23
I don't think Paul was instructing the wives in the Church here in Ephesus to run off and take the children if they thought their husbands weren't Godly enough. Instead, he often instructed the men to love their wives, a subject you very seldom hear preached anymore.
I am tired of hearing how horrible men are in the church. Instead, I implore you: GO QUIET FOR SIX MONTHS. I promise your churches will survive the ordeal.
Put down your microphones, step out from the pulpit, and go into your communities. There, you will find that man on the couch, watching football, desperate for spiritual direction.
But now, instead of discipleship, he gets met with an anonymous contact form on a website. If your ministry doesn't care about human connection, why should he?
And I know the old, tired rebuttal about some being the hands versus the feet versus the mouth. However, no disrespect intended, but the mouth has gotten WAY TOO BIG.
You may think you're "calling out men" but instead, you are adding fuel to the 50 percent divorce rate among Christians. You do that by berating men in front of their wives. And since Satan is behind every divorce, he's relishing in the destruction of our families.
In the next six months, I challenge ALL pastors, no matter how "effective" you think your ministry is, to stop preaching and show the rest of us how to make two disciples. Then, those two will make four. And those four will make eight, and so on.
Before long, those horrible men sitting on their couches watching football will get activated. Then, watch the Gospel spread like wildfire throughout every nation, just like Jesus envisioned.
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