Really good question. If people are gathered in the name of Jesus, He is already there. Very often, the intent of "worship" is to please people, not God. Brian Houston was asked why Hillsong was so successful. He said, "We scratch where people itch". That sounds a lot like ear tickling to me.

Music very often stimulates the soul rather than the spirit. The born again are spirit beings. Those who worship God should do so in spirit and in truth, not in banal songs that sound good but have little or no real content.
A number of leading Pentecostals are predicting a "fourth wave", a supposed revival of the Holy Spirit. The first "wave" was genuine but infected with the counterfeit, especially Azusa Street. The second wave was the Charismatic movement in the 70's. There was a lot that was real, but it led to spiritual pride and ended up nowhere. The 90's gave rise to the "Toronto Blessing". It is 100% fake and spread like the plague.
One of the consequences of relying on the manifestations of the Holy Spirit alone, even if genuine, is a lack of sound teaching. The TB flourished because too many people have no real personal relationship with God. They rely on the Pastor to live for them. Pastors are OK with this because a compliant flock is easy to manage. But if the Pastor gets deceived, so do most of his people.
Ignorance is not bliss. It is dangerous. God's people are still destroyed for lack of knowledge. It does not have to be this way. "Test everything and hold fast to that which is good". "Test the spirits......" Blindly following the Pastor is the exact opposite.
A number of leading Pentecostals are predicting a "fourth wave", a supposed revival of the Holy Spirit. The first "wave" was genuine but infected with the counterfeit, especially Azusa Street. The second wave was the Charismatic movement in the 70's. There was a lot that was real, but it led to spiritual pride and ended up nowhere. The 90's gave rise to the "Toronto Blessing". It is 100% fake and spread like the plague.
One of the consequences of relying on the manifestations of the Holy Spirit alone, even if genuine, is a lack of sound teaching. The TB flourished because too many people have no real personal relationship with God. They rely on the Pastor to live for them. Pastors are OK with this because a compliant flock is easy to manage. But if the Pastor gets deceived, so do most of his people.
Ignorance is not bliss. It is dangerous. God's people are still destroyed for lack of knowledge. It does not have to be this way. "Test everything and hold fast to that which is good". "Test the spirits......" Blindly following the Pastor is the exact opposite.