He shouldn't even be reading that TRASH and trying to mesh it with the Word of God.
That seems to be where his whole problem is stemming from.
Ive talked to people all over this world.
Ive been on the Mt of Olives talking to a muslim, as he was trying to explain ....""""see right there. by the temple wall.......that is where Muhammed ascended into paradise on his white horse"...
= Yikes.
Thats almost as good as ; "Mary ascended into heaven, a perpetual virgin".
Why is it that the bigger the lie, the more people believe it?
Strange, isn't it. ??
So, the problem is.........Islam is a Satanic counterfeit of Christianity.
As we Know , Satan wanted to be God, and ended up down here as the god of this fallen world.
He has counterfeited Christianity , with Islam....complete with a Angel, a Bible, a Prophet, and a Heaven.
Most dont realize that Islam teaches that the same angel (Gabriel) that told Mary about her SON, is the same angel that gave Muhammed the "Quran".
The Quran says that the Angel Gabriel has......>"600 wings"
(muhammed who was illiterate, a drunk, and a pedophile, dictated the Quran.
Uh huh.
And i can fly backwards, even when my rockets are not turned on, or fully charged.
So .........
What is the main difference between the Satanic Islam "god", and the God of Abraham and Father of all the Born again??
Well there are a few.
The Biggest is that in the Islam religion, "allah", requires that your son's die for Him.
In Christianity, God came down here to die for all of us, by offering us HIS only begotten Son.
So, another time i was talking to a muslim, and i asked them.........."why is it that allah's paradise, does not allow women in it, but only men.??
He assured me that "there will come that time when allah resolves this issue, no worries"
Ok, im not worried., np.
And why does "allah" and the Prophet not allow women in allah's paradise?
You wanted to know, Reader????
Because allah's paradise is a whorehouse in the sky.
allah's paradise is "63 virgins" waiting to pleasure , for eternity, all who die for allah.
This is why these carnal devils are jumping to be the next one, as they get the VIRGIN GIRLS...........(they believe).
So, as ISLAM does not allow homosexuality...........if a Islamic woman went to paradise, she would be pleasured by 63 women.
Uh oh.....
= Thats a "no no" according to "allah" and "the prophet"......so, no paradise for Islamic women, who blow themselves up trying to kill Jews or anyone else who isn't a allah worshiping fanatic.