When my hubby and I met and married, my hair was always down, fixed up and pretty.
THEN mom life happened and it was messy buns and ponytails for quite a while......
He made a comment one day about my hair never being down anymore, and how he liked it down.
I made an

and comment about it being a pain and in my way (note, I saw a look of hurt and disappointment in his eyes)
i kept wearing it up, and over time we started having some serious rocky marriage moments (NOT because of hairstyles.......)
I was reading book after book, web page after web page, and listening to video after video on marriage stuff.
One common thing I noticed through out all of it is the fact that a wifes appearance matters to her husband (in MOST cases)
so, one afternoon (I was in NO MOOD to have this mop down in my face and in the way ) I kept notice of the time before he got home, darted in the bathroom, pulled the pony tail out, brushed through it and called it done.
When he got home, his face lit up like the 4th of july.
No "hi, how are ya?" or usual after work chit chat.....
instead the first thing he said was "Your hairs down"......

I kept doing that for some time, as well as making sure it was done and fixed whenever we went out (even if it was just to the hardware store), and ya know, it's amazing how that simple little act opened the doorway for healing and restoration in the areas that were of major concern.
When I first read this post the other night, it was late and I was falling asleep, only half skimming through. Now going back and rereading it all I find it very interesting that there are reputable men on here basically all saying the same thing. You're hair is long, that's how your husband likes it. best to leave it that way.
To answer your concern: NO, it doesn't make your husband sound controlling to request that you leave it long.
However, rushing out to chop it off because you're suddenly in this mood to do so could potentially open doors of him doubting your respect towards him. "if she's doing her own thing on something minor like this, what will she do when major issues arise?"
Some have suggested trying hair/makeover apps, that might one option if you're really gung ho on seeing if this will work for you or not. And if you're really not happy with your current hair, maybe try opting for something less dramatic, like a color/shade change, high/low lights, cutting just a little amount, like an inch or two, or adding layers so it's not all one long length.