Sorry for the very late reply. I've been meaning to, but I just didn't have the time. I'm going through a turmoil in the spirit, and I'm stressed... I need to find a new home and a ministry I can attend to so I can work for God the Lord.
So here is the Greek text you can find.
Dan 11:20
I've marked red the parts that I thought were important, and one of them is untranslatable with Strong's concordance and uncertain with modern Greek, which is
παραβιβαζων. But It seems to mean
"violate" or something of that sort. So below my suggested translation.
Eng - (Suggested Translation)
So let me elaborate.
his root refers to the previous king (who I assume is Bush Jr.), and Trump was from the same political category, so my first guess would be that
Trump was out of his root. Then, what Trump did was to, according to media reports, expose Hilary's Gmail scandal by letting somebody hack and through working with Russia, and
that would align with "violate to practice kingly glory." Note that he DID promote
America First/Make America Great Again. Kingly glory, yes? And this was during
his election which is a preparation period for politicians. The only problem is "preparation" is not found in Hebrew (Masoretic) based text. Then, the part where it reads "
In those days" is actually translated "within few days" in Hebrew based Eng, but the actual writing is "
בימים אחדים" which, by its use in the bible, shows to mean more like "
in a little while" (Gen 27:44, 29:20). In that case,
it would align with the fact that Trump moved away in one term. And THEN, finally, when he lost the last election,
he kept insisting he had not lost, meaning he was not losing in countenance, and he did not die in battle. The Eng translations of both LXX and Hebrew are incomprehensible, but in actual Greek, you can see that not only does it make sense, but also it actually aligns with Trump's elections in every single way.

) I hope this is a blessing.