Dude does have a point. Why go to church with people you feel that way about? We would never do the "You gotta hug everyone" crap at the SPV (Vineyard), but we WANT hugs from our big family. But, of course, I personally, wouldn't call some of the big Mega places really a church family, anyway. I can hardly imagine belonging to a church where we didn't all know one another.
Brutha Willaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
Of course Dude has a point.

We all have a point and we’re all entitled to our own understanding. But what about spiritual understanding?
In the mind of Christ we are to be above reproach... self-controlled… respectable… gentle… temperate… tolerant... patient… using restraint… not laying hands on any man suddenly… considering others… I think we can conclude that we should refrain from enforcing our rights onto others. Our flesh needs to be set aside for the spiritual truth. Doesn't it?
I’m not so concerned with asserting my own right to my private space as I am in reiterating the truth that we should consider those folks who are cautious about random hug-a-thons (of whom I am chief)

. And let’s face it, not everybody who hugs you in a church building has pure thoughts. There’s plenty of hanky-panky in churches. It’s gotta start somewhere. I’m sure it starts with physical contact. We gotta be prudent and wise, ya know? Use our spiritual noodle. Hugging everyone without discretion invites trouble fo sho.
My 11 siblings and I are not only huggers, but kissers and arm-touchers. We are a physical contact bunch. LOL!
My sons, my daughter & all of their friends literally hung on each other like the disciple John hung on Jesus. My family is not shy about loving one another and loving others. And the words “I love you” are included in any form of communication between us, written or audible.
By the same token, all of us are very respectful of other people’s personal space. If you were friends with any of my family members on Facebook, you’d see that 90% of their posts are regarding considering the rights of others (the unborn and abused animals included).
I think the problem here is the assumption that all the people on this thread are members of a particular religious establishment and have regular physical fellowship with that congregation. My son is on the worship team of the church where he attends and I visit there sometimes. However, I am not a regular member of any specific denomination or organized religion. For the past 10 or so years, I have been discipled by a godly leader who has been like Apostle Paul to countless others and me. We don’t all meet in a building. We talk on the phone, we write letters to one another, we visit each other whenever we can, and he faithfully teaches us online.
I walk by faith, not by sight. I have spiritual intimacy with my brothers & sisters on this site in Jesus Christ. I was drawn to love the Spirit of Jesus Christ in Melita before we ever met in person. I knew in my heart my son would love her, too. She's genuinely beautiful inside and out!
Who doesn’t appreciate hugs, kisses, touches, “I love you’s”? After all, God created us to give and receive love. But my right to be hugged or not isn’t as important as “not looking to our own interests but each of us to the interests of the others,” like it reads in Philippians, ya know?