You're welcome....if you do a search on the words "prophesy" and prophecy" in the Bible and read them in context I think it will be more clear..... worked for me anyway

It does sound like you've had the Holy Spirit at work in your life. For some reason we've come to expect charismata to look like a big flashy ostentatious thing, when in reality and true practice it seldom is...... maybe because the loudest "charismatic" voices are big on show and drawing attention to themselves? And then they come across as fake and off-putting, because that's exactly what they are

Regarding future-telling, I will share one story-
Years ago I had a dream where I was reading an email from a friend, and the friend was telling me something very upsetting and life-altering that had just happened. The dream kinda rattled me, but I kept it to myself. A few weeks later the friend told me something happened that tied in with what I read in the dream email. But I still kept the dream to myself. About a month went by, the situation progressed and I kept in mind the outcome that the dream revealed, but didn't share it with anyone. Then it happened..... I checked email and instantly felt like I was in a time-warp, because I was reading the very message that had been in the dream a month or so earlier. Even the wording lined up as completely as I remembered it. At that point I shared the dream with the friend, and they said they found it oddly comforting, even in light of the very upsetting situation. I didn't really get why it was comforting to him but God knew it would be. idea if that counts as "future telling" but it never felt like anything bad or weird, and it did comfort my friend in his distress.