Just replace the word Gambling with gaming and ignore what dosn't apply the following excerpt came directly from GA;
There has been abundant scientific research on compulsive gambling, which is sometimes called “gambling disorder” or “pathological gambling”. Today this is generally considered in the scientific community to be an addictive disorder similar to alcoholism or drug addiction. Typical symptoms of compulsive gambling are:
• Uncontrollable urges to gamble
• Losing time from work, school or family obligations due to gambling
• Feelings of remorse after gambling • Borrowing money to gamble or to pay other financial obligations caused by gambling.
• Chasing losses
• Selling possessions to gamble
• Committing or considering committing crimes to get money to gamble.
• Gambling for longer time periods and/or for more money than one had originally planned.
• Interference with sleeping
• Depression or thoughts of suicide
Gambling often creates problems in many areas of the compulsive gambler’s life including their personal finances, career, family life, social status, physical health, self-esteem and legal consequences. Another useful way to think about compulsive gambling is as both an allergy of the body and an obsession of the mind. By allergy we just mean that we have an “abnormal reaction”. If for example someone has an allergy to strawberries, their abnormal reaction is to get hives if they eat strawberries. For us, when we gamble, our abnormal reaction is the need to keep gambling – often for higher and higher stakes. For the normal gambler, when they lose their allotted $20 in the casino on their cruise ship vacation, they typically close their wallet and head out to the pool. This is something we compulsive gamblers are almost never able to reliably do. In this way, we actually have an allergy or abnormal reaction to the gambling activity indicating that our only solution is one that results in complete abstinence.
However, in addition to this allergy of the body, we also have an obsession of the mind. This is the part of compulsive gambling that is especially baffling and insidious. For unlike our friend with the strawberry allergy who carefully avoids strawberries for his entire life, when we are not gambling we begin to obsess about gambling again without thought of the consequences. Eventually we can only remember what gambling did for us, such as the winning and the escape from boredom or stress.
We completely forget about what gambling did to us, such as the losing, the wasted hours, and the damaged relationships and careers. Once we succumb to the obsession and begin gambling, the allergy takes effect and the entire cycle starts again.
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The Illness of Compulsive Gambling
There has been abundant scientific research on compulsive gambling, which is sometimes called “gambling disorder” or “pathological gambling”. Today this is generally considered in the scientific community to be an addictive disorder similar to alcoholism or drug addiction. Typical symptoms of compulsive gambling are:
• Uncontrollable urges to gamble
• Losing time from work, school or family obligations due to gambling
• Feelings of remorse after gambling • Borrowing money to gamble or to pay other financial obligations caused by gambling.
• Chasing losses
• Selling possessions to gamble
• Committing or considering committing crimes to get money to gamble.
• Gambling for longer time periods and/or for more money than one had originally planned.
• Interference with sleeping
• Depression or thoughts of suicide
Gambling often creates problems in many areas of the compulsive gambler’s life including their personal finances, career, family life, social status, physical health, self-esteem and legal consequences. Another useful way to think about compulsive gambling is as both an allergy of the body and an obsession of the mind. By allergy we just mean that we have an “abnormal reaction”. If for example someone has an allergy to strawberries, their abnormal reaction is to get hives if they eat strawberries. For us, when we gamble, our abnormal reaction is the need to keep gambling – often for higher and higher stakes. For the normal gambler, when they lose their allotted $20 in the casino on their cruise ship vacation, they typically close their wallet and head out to the pool. This is something we compulsive gamblers are almost never able to reliably do. In this way, we actually have an allergy or abnormal reaction to the gambling activity indicating that our only solution is one that results in complete abstinence.
However, in addition to this allergy of the body, we also have an obsession of the mind. This is the part of compulsive gambling that is especially baffling and insidious. For unlike our friend with the strawberry allergy who carefully avoids strawberries for his entire life, when we are not gambling we begin to obsess about gambling again without thought of the consequences. Eventually we can only remember what gambling did for us, such as the winning and the escape from boredom or stress.
We completely forget about what gambling did to us, such as the losing, the wasted hours, and the damaged relationships and careers. Once we succumb to the obsession and begin gambling, the allergy takes effect and the entire cycle starts again.
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