I hate it when other members of CC cry "it does not pertain to salvation - therefore, it is not 'against' the Gospel - so, don't judge anyone over it - because, it is not an issue even worth debating" all the time -- and then, react toward you in the most extreme ways when they suddenly realize that you believe something "significantly" differently than them ( but, that is not a salvation issue ).
The other "opposite" crowd is the one that says "it does not pertain to salvation - therefore, you should not bother to give it any of your time or consideration"...
Really? What do cars, guns, and video games have to do with salvation?
( I am not saying that I have anything against talking about cars, guns, or video games. )
Maybe it is the latter crowd that does most of the reacting...?
I don't know --- all I know for sure is that there is a whole lot of "unnecessary" reacting going on...