"And, what is the value of 'speculation'...which most likely, over time ones mind
becomes immune to accepting and living accordingly to the 'teachings' of Jesus Christ."
~Thought for today~
"Pure speculation brings cause of confusion, leaving doubt, which hinders spiritual growth...
and, which leads to the 'falling away' from God...this being evident within the 'communities'."
~Thought for today~
"It is disturbing not to acknowledge the fact that there are conditions concerning
spiritual discipline, and it is not meant to be easy."
~Thought for today~
"Being intellectual...often having the capacity claiming to know 'about' God... but not necessarily having the spiritual 'awareness' to know 'of' God."
~Thought for the day~
"The power of the Holy Spirit allows one to put forth thoughts from the heart, thereby
comes words of spiritual love and understanding to those struggling."
'Praise God'
"There is a criterion by which you can judge whether the thoughts you are thinking and the things you are doing are right for you. That criterion is, Have they brought you inner peace? If they have not, there is something wrong with them - so keep trying."
~Thought for today~