"You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ."
( Know this, and know it well! )
~Spiritually Inspired~
"Love, let us be ever mindful...this requires commitment and perseverance, and that
there are changes required for any hope of a compatible and lasting relationship of a marriage."
~Thought for today~
Good morning, Bingo. Just wanted to say that I always appreciate the encouragement you give to others here. Hope you and your family are safe and that you have a very blessed day. :)
"We can stop waiting for others to give us what we need and take responsibility for ourselves.
And, in doing so we often find a new freedom of self."
~Thought for today~
"And, any attempt whatsoever, to pervert, and/or, to alter the 'purpose' of the Divine 'teachings'...
has been deemed to bring cause of...harmful worldly imagination, leaving multitudes....with their
own self centered self-justification, and vacant of an essential 'spiritual awareness'...and, this too
has been told of...as a 'great falling away from God'....To Be."
~Thought to ponder on ~
"Fear of truth drives many to an unstable emotional breakdown. And, often brings cause
of aggressive attitude and behavior, having a lose of self-control often brings grave consequences."
~Thought for today~
"And, the 'man-mind' is obsessed with their interpretation of the Divine word,
further hindering the essential need of spiritual understanding."
~Thought for today~